What’s New: PennApps Incubator

2 min readFeb 9, 2020


Got a startup idea? We’re listening.

Hello from the PennApps team! This year we’re introducing something new and exciting. In 2009, PennApps introduced the original college hackathon. Over the past 10 years we have seen some impressive products put together through the course of a hackathon. In the spirit of innovation, PennApps is launching PennApps Incubator this year. We want to work with founders who have a great startup idea, and help them bring their product to market.

Applications for undergraduate and graduate students of Penn to join the inaugural cohort of the Incubator program are open from now until February 21st. We want to hear from you if you have anything from a hack to a functional product or prototype! Our goal is to have a diverse cohort in terms of product segment. As part of the Incubator program, startups will have the opportunity to receive consultations with experts from PennApps who will be able to provide subject matter expertise. Whether it be technical advice from our Development team, design tips from our Creative team, or brand management from our HackerXP team, our aim will always be to facilitate our startups bringing their products to market. PennApps Incubator will also provide dilution-free funding on an as-needed basis. The Incubator program will consist of startup business lectures, update meetings, workshops, and guest lectures. Our program will culminate with startups having the opportunity to present and pitch their products at the next PennApps hackathon this Fall.

You may be wondering why we are doing this. It’s simple. We love innovation and want the cool ideas we see to be brought to market. After 10 years of running hackathons, we’re prepared to foster innovation even further.

Share your idea with us today — apply here.

If you have any questions, reach out to us at incubator@pennapps.com.

Until Next Time,

The PennApps Incubator Team




PennApps is the nation’s original student-run hackathon. PennApps XIV is scheduled for early September. Check out our collections for event specific posts.