LiveAPI — a Visual Data Extraction Tool Part 2

Penn Wu
2 min readAug 23, 2017


LiveAPI is a developer tool to turn any website’s public data into an API in minutes. It consists of two parts: a Chrome Extension that selects data to extract and a user-hostable server to extract data and serve up the user-created API endpoints.

If you have not installed the LiveAPI server on your computer, or a cloud-hosting solution like AWS, read Part 1 to setup the server.

By now, here is what you have completed

  • [x] Installation on AWS / Locally
  • [x] Setup SSL Certificate
  • [x] Start the LiveAPI server

We built authorization into LiveAPI to allow you to control the endpoints created. First, create the admin account.

Creating an Admin Account

Go to https://localhost:4443/config.

If your SSL Certificate is working correctly, you will see the above sign-in bar. Create the admin account by entering your login credentials. This will create a cookie in the browser, and bring you to the new page.

If you get an error, your SSL certificate is not working. Visit Part 1: Installation on instructions to create an SSL certificate!

Invite additional users

When you want multiple people accessing the created endpoints, use invitation links to create their account. This gives the admin control over who has access to the endpoints created, and the corresponding data that is scraped.

Entering the invitation link will prompt a username and password.

Next step

Congratulations! We’re finished with the authorization process. Read Part 3 on using our Chrome Extension to create your first endpoint.

Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions, suggestions or issues you have about LiveAPI. We’re excited to keep expanding it.

If you’re interested in learning more, check out the project’s Github or website. We’ve written a bit on how it works under the hood as well.

