5 Poems & a Prayer to Power Through This Thing Called Life

Needing inspiration or encouragement, I’ll often pick up my pen and write down whatever is bubbling up. Revisiting the words later, I sometimes see that I’ve answered my own questions or found my own joy and inner strength to power through life’s surprises. May you, too, find the words that fuel your fire.

Lucky Penny
3 min readJan 27, 2024


Blue Sky

You are not clouds. Clouds are passing, transient, unpredictable.
You are sky. I am sky.
Start to become more like the sky that you are. Because sky is good, peaceful, beautiful, soothing, expansive, and all-knowing. And blue. And new and surprising.
Sky holds the sun.
Sky is full of stars.
Sky is spacious blue love.
Sky is not thrown off by wind, rain, ego, thoughts, emotions, opinions, fears, others’ actions, world events, worries, pride, failure, success, time, or anything else. Ever.
You are sky. I am sky.

The Universe in Us

Before I was a child of a mother and a father
I was a child of the Universe
I have the power of light and all the stars in me
Sparking charging stirring my cells and my soul
Driving me onward and upward each day towards greatness
I am more valuable than diamonds and pearls and platinum
More loved than could be understood
What needs doing can be done
What needs visioning can be designed and realized
The Universe is conspiring in its child’s favor
All is ~ I am ~ profoundly ok

m u l l i g a n s

it is not about me
eyes on your own paper
no one owes me anything
I am not the accountant or the judge
life is a beautiful messy miraculous jumble of joy
we are all gifted infinite undeserved mulligans
each together all forgiven one in the sun
(and it is not so serious)
((and all is well))

chocolate cake

it’s all chocolate cake
sometimes it’s frosted, sometimes not
sometimes it’s dark & dense, other kinds have flaky coconut
sometimes it’s light & dry, then there’s gooey & hot
even if it’s seven days old or gluten-free
it’s all chocolate cake is it not?


You already have everything you need.
You are enough. You have enough.
You have love. You are love.
Travel light. Be light.

A Prayer for Powering Through

Oftentimes when we face challenges in our personal, professional, or spiritual lives
Or we are overwhelmed by world events
We find it especially difficult to see and feel divine presence or to discern what is really happening or to see any greater plan
May we persevere with open hearts so that we can carry on with joy in our very souls knowing that something greater is here with us, guiding us, helping us each and every moment of every day
Help us to do the right thing despite confusion or darkness
Remind us that the fog is temporary, and that clarity will come
Show us daily in unexpected ways that we are not alone
Encourage us until the time that we can come more fully into the bright light of true understanding
When we will see the whole picture as if we were the high-flying hawk in the clear blue sky

Image by kjpargeter on Freepik



Lucky Penny

Just an earthly wanderer observing this magical life and sharing any lucky pennies I find along the way