Ultimate Guide to Cashback in Europe: How to Save Money on Every Purchase

Penny-Wise Chronicles
6 min readAug 9, 2023

Alright, let’s cut to the chase: if you’re aiming for that ‘get-rich’ status, the first skill in your toolkit should be mastering the art of not blowing your cash on every little thing. But hold up, life’s no fun if you don’t treat yourself once in a while, right? We’ve all got bills to pay — rent, food, clothes — you know the drill. So, how do you keep your wallet from crying? Cue the hero of our story: cashback. It’s like a secret weapon that turns spending into a win-win game. So, ready to explore how cashback can turn your splurges into savings? Buckle up for the ride!

What is cashback?

Picture this: Two friends, Bob and Jeff, stroll into a store to get a cool hoodie that costs €50. They both eagerly approach the cashier, pull out their cards, and make the purchase. The transaction seems the same, right? Well, not quite.

Meet Bob, the hoodie enthusiast. With a carefree shrug, he pays the full €50 for his hoodie. As he walks out with his fashionable find, he’s content with his purchase.

Now, turn the spotlight to Jeff, the stealthy saver. He whips out his card with a sly smile and pays the same 50 € for his hoodie. But here’s the twist — Jeff’s card has a magical power called “cashback”. You see, Jeff’s cashback magic has granted him 2% back on his purchase. That’s 1 € right back into his wallet, just for being the smart shopper he is.

And that, my friend, is the enchanting tale of cashback. It’s like a hidden treasure chest that opens up whenever you make a purchase. With cashback, shopping becomes more than just an exchange of money — it’s a little game where you get to win back some of your hard-earned euros.

Now, you might be wondering, “How can I get in on this cashback magic?” Well, you’re in luck! In the following paragraphs, we’ll explore some hidden gems that let Europeans unlock the power of cashback.

The cashback situation in Europe

Unlike our friends across the Atlantic, European contries don’t have a barrage of credit cards throwing insane cashback deals at us left and right. But hey, that doesn’t mean we’re left out in the cold. We’ve got our own set of tricks up our sleeves when it comes to cashback.

Essentially you get two types of cashback. The first option offers straightforward cashback, where an amount in euros gets credited right back to your account or card, while others take a more creative route, offering cashback in the form of cryptocurrency or points that can be turned into nifty gift cards.

Now, here’s the deal: I’ve done some digging, and I’m here to share some cashback gems that are broadly available across Europe. Keep in mind, though, that in each country, you might stumble upon even more alternatives that suit your style, and if that’s the case leave a comment to help you fellow comrades.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash


W1TTY is a UK-based fintech maverick, and your companion on this cashback voyage. With over 150 000 savvy users across Europe, it offers a solid 3% cashback on everything. The perks? A physical card, Google/Apple Pay integration, and the swagger of a full-fledged bank account with British IBAN. You can even juggle different currencies like EUR, USD, and GBP.


  • Physical card (shipping’s on you)
  • Seamlessly connects with Google and Apple Pay
  • Fully functional bank account with IBAN
  • Multi-currency accounts for the global explorer


  • Patience required — cashback takes 45 days
  • SEPA top-ups take 24h+
  • If you top-up with a card you need to pay a 2.50% fee 👎
  • Spending in diverse currencies? Be prepared for a 0.3% fee

And oh, if you’re a student, peek into their student+ plan. It hands out €2/month and a sprinkle of extras. Psst, keep an eye out for those sign-up bonuses — they pop up from time to time!


Meet LetyShops — your gateway to insane cashback deals on a variety of online retailers. Imagine up to 30% cashback gracing your purchases, along with the convenience of a nifty Android/iOS app and a slick Chrome extension.


  • Outrageously high cashback rates (up to 30%)
  • User-friendly Android/iOS app
  • Handy Chrome extension for effortless shopping


  • Not the same cashback for everything
  • Cashback flows straight into your PayPal (to me that’s more than ok but might be a problem to some people)

And hey, if you use my link, a sweet €5 bonus awaits both of us when you score a €30+ purchase within your first 30 days.


Curve steps in with a different trick — an aggregator for all your payment cards, wrapped up in one sleek package, and 1% cashback on select retailers adds a dash of savings to your spending spree.


  • Physical card (shipping’s on you)
  • Seamless pairing with Google and Apple Pay
  • A financial tool with a unique twist


  • Entry ticket: €9.99 and above to get 1% cashback

If you want to Curve, just use my link, make 5 transaction and get 5 € back.


Plutus plays its cards differently, offering cashback in its proprietary crypto currency, PLU. Plus, dive into “Perks” for rewards, gifting you the equivalent of €10 in PLU for subscriptions or shopping. Keep an eye on the changing landscape, as the free tier’s perks and cashback shift come Q4 2023.


  • Physical card (shipping’s on you)
  • Perks that work magic on subscriptions/shopping
  • A promise of up to 8% in PLU


  • Top-ups take 24-hours+ (often more)
  • High cashback is a pay-to-play affair (see plans)
  • Ever-changing landscape (stay tuned!)

And here’s a secret: through my link, deposit €20+ within the first 45 days to unlock a charming €10. I’ll receive a treasure too!

Nexo card

Say hello to Nexo’s card — a gateway to 2% cashback in NEXO or up to 0.5% in BTC. It’s a cryptocurrency tale, so buckle up for a ride.


  • Physical card with shipping on you
  • Battle-tested presence in the crypto realm


  • NEXO’s price takes its own twists

My link’s got a little bonus up its sleeve too — deposit $100+ and pocket $25 in BTC. A reward for both of us!

Binance card

Binance’s card offers a cashback bonanza of up to 8% in BNB. But a word of caution: Binance has made headlines for not-so-great reasons lately.


  • Physical card that rides to you
  • Backed by a crypto giant


  • BNB is very volatile — cashback isn’t in EUR
  • Invest big for bigger cashback tiers

Fancy a deal? Through my link, deposit $50+ and we’ll both score a cool $200 in trading fees.


Meet Swagbucks — the platform where cashback meets questionnaires, mobile games, and more. Enjoy cashback up to 20%, a cool treat for online shopping escapades.


  • High cashback on big names (think Amazon, eBay, and much more)
  • Questionnaires and games that sweeten the pot by paying you for your time


  • Solely for online shopping enthusiasts
  • Gift cards are the currency of choice

And if you’re in the mood to lend a hand, my link’s got your back.

In a Nutshell

As the curtain falls on our cashback spectacle, W1TTY stands tall as the reigning star, welcoming you into the world of high cashback and financial exploration. But remember, life isn’t about picking one product — it’s about crafting your cashback symphony.

My playbook? Plutus for subscription wizardry (10€+10€/month for Netflix and Spotify), Curve (1% back) and W1TTY (3% back) for a double-dose of cashback, and they can be combined in some instances. Then, LetyShops for turbocharged online shopping, and Swagbucks for a side of style and smarts. But don’t stop here — the cashback universe is yours to conquer. Dive in, explore, and turn your spending into a savings celebration! 🌟💰🌍

P.S. Revolut’s Ultra plan is offering 5% chashback but you need to pay €55/ month. Also, Vivid Money, I’ve heard great things but is not available around here.

P.S.2. If you know any other great opportunity just let me know. I’m always in for more money back.

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash



Penny-Wise Chronicles

Navigate personal finance with humor, no jargon and no shaddy schemes. Money tips for everyday explorers, not high rollers.