Favorite September Reads (2022)

Roundup of the best books I read in September

Penny Zang
5 min readOct 1, 2022
Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash

September has always been my favorite month, and not just because it’s my birthday month.

I like the start of fall, even in the south. And I prefer to read under a big blanket instead of sweating in the sun.

ICYMI, my last reading roundup:

This month I finished 5books, though I started a few of them before September. I like to mention this fact for transparency. I began two of the books on this list back in August.

Check out the quick stats but keep reading for the list of my 5 September books.

The quick stats for September:

  • Books read/finished: 5
  • Total pages: 2,463
  • Books I started but didn’t finish: 2
  • Books bought: 4
  • Other books still in progress: 1
  • Fiction: 60%
  • Nonfiction: 40%
  • Print: 80%



Penny Zang

English professor in SC and book nerd. Debut novel: Doll Parts, forthcoming from Sourcebooks, 2025.