A Blog is an Author Marketing Essential: Here’s Why

If you’re an author, you need a blog.

Chelsea Falin
3 min readJun 2, 2020
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

If you had time to do nothing else, starting and maintaining a blog is the way to go. As an author, your blog will serve many different purposes. It’s the perfect platform for any type of marketing, but it’s especially great for personable brands like authors.

But what benefits, exactly, can you expect from running and maintaining a dedicated blog? Why are they so essential for author success? Continue reading to find out.

Serves as Command Central for All Online Efforts

For most authors, your blog will serve as your website. For others, it will be connected to your main site. The decision is up to you, and both are great choices.

No matter which way it goes, however, your blog will serve as command central for all your online efforts. This is where you’ll host any relevant landing pages and connect your social media sites.

You’ll typically be directing people to your blog so you can obtain their contact information. Everything you do online will and should be linked back to your blog.

Helps You Rank in Search Engines

