Earning Money Online: How to Spot Scams

Earning money online can sound too good to be true. In some cases, it is. Learn how to spot scams when searching for legitimate earning opportunities online.

Chelsea Falin
3 min readMay 26, 2020
Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

Earning a living from home sounds like everyone’s dream job. In fact, more people are choosing to work from home than ever and the internet has made that possible. Unfortunately, the internet has also made it easier than ever to scam people out of their hard-earned money.

While it’s true some scammers have gotten better and less obvious, the majority of cases are very transparent if you know what you’re looking for. Continue reading to find out how to spot scams when seeking online work.

You Shouldn’t Pay To Work

The biggest red flag you’re facing a scam is when someone wants you to pay them to let you work. If you were going to work in a physical office and they asked you to give them $200 to let you start working, would you give them that money? No. Definitely not.

The only monetary costs of earning money online should be your own setup. You obviously have a computer and internet access, but you may require pens, paper, printer, or other basic necessities.

