What does ‘People over property’ mean?

People over property
5 min readJun 10, 2020

Cities all over (and beyond) the United States are witnessing the outcry from communities that have been on the losing side of history for too long. With the police murder of George Floyd, this outcry has evolved into waves of anger. Some have responded with wagging fingers at the protestors, crying shame upon them for acts of destruction.

For the most part, it is the police departments themselves, and failing government infrastructure that have been target of this anger. In plenty of cases, it is has been large box stores and corporations that have paved over black, brown, indigenous, and poor communities in general. Occasionally, small and local businesses get knocked too.

In Minneapolis, a minority-owned small restaurant named Gandhi Mahal was completely burned down. Their response? Solidarity with the protestors. Here’s their statement:

Gandhi Mahal expresses bold statement of support.

Why didn’t they react with bitterness and resentment? Why didn’t they join the forces of Law and Order to seek justice against the protestors? Because they didn’t fall prey to fear-mongering and immobilizing counter narratives.



People over property

‘People over property’ engages with challenging conversations concerning justice and community support.