2 min readDec 22, 2021


Bruce Shillingsworth standing with Police Officers out the front of Old Parliament House, December 21st, 2021. Photographer unknown.

Representatives from over 14 Traditional Nations from around the country have met at the Tent Embassy in Canberra, ACT, for a historical and never before seen Cultural Ceremony, which includes Cultural Diplomatic Protocol proceedings and the deliverance of an eviction notice to the Australian Government Corporation.

Families and individuals, both Indigenous and Non-Indigenous allies, began arriving in Canberra from early December, with the gathering still increasing in number as call outs to the community continue.

First Nation Leader negotiates with Police Officers, December 20, 2021.
First Nation Leader negotiates with Police Officers, December 20, 2021. Photography by Morii Captures

Police officers have had ongoing negotiations with the First Nations Leaders since the start of the week in relation to their presence in the area. The First Nations Leaders have reportedly requested that police officers remove their weapons when entering the boundaries of the area that they have officially declared a cultural space.

The group will continue to remain on the ground until acknowledgement of their deliverance has been received, and subsequent proceedings move ahead.

Notice of Eviction from First Nations People at Old Parliament House, Canberra, ACT, December 21, 2021. Photograph by Morii Captures

