Best ways to learn Data Structures and Algorithms

5 min readOct 5, 2021


We use Data Structures and Algorithms to write efficient programs in coding languages like Java, Python, C, C++ etc. Data structures are things that store and organize data as if they were books in a library. Algorithms are the route through which you can reach a certain section. Since DSA can help you solve real world problems in Web Development, they are a way to step up your career in Software Development.

Here are some of the best ways to study Data Structures and Algorithms, so you can become the best in the industry.

Before You Begin

If you have decided to learn Data Structures, you can just start doing problems on it out of thin air. However, that approach usually leaves people stranded and confused in the middle of things. If you want to do it effectively, you should make sure you have the following things by your side.

Basics of Programming

You cannot be studying Data Structures and Algorithms if you are not yet familiar with the programming languages. Python is a popular beginner’s choice, but Java is a lot more dynamic and easy to learn Java Programming with us at Pepcoding.

A vision

It’s very important to know your purpose for studying DSA before you begin. Doing that will provide you a vision as to what you should focus on. Most people study to get a job in the IT field, so you can focus on a set of questions that usually get asked in these interviews. But some study it to do Competitive Programming or even just for the sheer fun of problem solving. For job interviews you have to focus more on

Good resources

Having good study resources is as essential as your dedication to the practice. Find resources that provide good explanations and problems to do. Pepcoding is a platform that provides useful resources for free that are now being used by thousands of students to prepare for their technical jobs.

Good guidance

Try and find a good mentor, online or offline that can motivate and guide you through your learning process. They help you in utilising the resources to the fullest.

Once you are done deciding the best resources and mentors for you, you can get started on learning Data Structures and Algorithms.

Solving Problems:

Data Structures and Algorithms are constantly expanding just like the universe. But the best way to expand your knowledge is to solve new problems and learn new concepts along the way. Solving problems can overall make you a better problem-solver. Programming is all about problem solving. You can do puzzles and challenges like Sudoku and other such mind-bending games.

If you are looking to do focussed learning, Pepcoding offers over 1200 questions on Data Structures and Algorithms for free that are selected to prepare you for technical interviews. You can avail the 300 set of questions and 600 questions from Leetcode and Codeforces that frequently get asked in companies like Microsoft, Facebook and such. Get to know how to solve these questions. Check them out here!

Approach to follow while problem solving

The two approaches you can follow are the depth and breadth approach. Of course you have to be aware of a breadth of problems to prepare for your interviews. But as a beginner, you should focus on the depth first. This means that you should focus on the overarching logic behind problems. For instance you solved a few problems on Binary Search Tree, you get familiarized with the problem when you see it again and again. And then you can identify the logic when you see it in other problems. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

Solve problems after considerable durations

Again, it’s another way of familiarizing yourself with problems. Coming back to the same problem after 5 or 10 days allows you to have a revision and solidifies that concept in your brain. It allows you to have a deep understanding of each Data Structure and regroup them for multiple use cases.

Participating In Coding Contests

Competition is the driving force in your learning process. Once you have attained a good understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms, you can move on to practicing problems on websites like Leetcode, Geeks for Geeks, Codechef, Codeforces, Hackerrank etc.

Once you know the basics of DSA, Hackathons are great for upskilling in Programming. It’s a 1–2 day event where you work on a project with or without a team and bring it to life. Some include educational workshops, others are marathons where the best projects are rewarded.

Follow communities to know about Coding Contests that seem relevant. NADOS by Pepcoding is a fresh emerging platform that I really enjoy. They organise weekly Hackathons so you can win freelance opportunities and internships.

Creating Projects

As Data Structures and Algorithms are ultimately to help you solve real-world problems, you should dip your toes in project-based learning. Creating projects on Github, Visual Studio Code and other platforms from scratch is a great way to improve upon your Web Development skills, but it can also help you strengthen knowledge of Data Structures and Algorithms and get to know new ones that might get used in the projects.

Projects also add massive weightage to your profile for interviews. You can work for your personal projects if you are driven enough, or else there is an option of taking up freelance projects. Pepcoding offers over 62 projects to its students over the course of a year. This makes sure that you have an impeccable profile by the time you finish the course.

Keep Learning More

Since there is so much to study in Data Structures and Algorithms, you can never stop the learning process. Simply knowing Programming Languages and memorizing important algorithms is not enough, you have to be aware of the libraries, programming constructs and how to use them. Pay attention to the time and space complexity while doing problems on Data Structures and Algorithms. Some others thing you have keep in mind:

  • Modify your code whenever necessary.
  • Dry run all the test cases.
  • Break the problem into smaller pieces.
  • Build a rough sketch (Pseudocode).

The most important thing is to develop your logic and communication and develop your Software Development skills. Keeping these little things in mind can help you become a better programmer with enviable coding skills.

Once you have studied Data Structures and Algorithms and have done a good amount of projects, you immediately become qualified for product based companies like FAANG. So, don’t procrastinate, begin your career enhancement journey with our Free Resources.

