How Software Companies think: Understanding how they function

4 min readDec 19, 2021


What comes to your mind when you think about any software company? Hundreds of employees sitting in front of their computers and giving off a creepy nerdy vibe, typing constantly? Well, software companies are a lot more than that, for obvious reasons. Even this blog that you are reading right now is only possible due to the software developers.

How Software Companies think: Understanding how they function

What makes a software company? It is made up of a lot of different employees but mainly consists of software developers. To determine how a software company thinks and works, we need to take into consideration what a software developer thinks and how he prefers to work.

The mind of a Software Developer:

  • Curiosity
  • Problem-Solving
  • Automation
  • Composition
  • Creativity
  • Holding everything in mind(Be mindful)
  • Improving continually
  1. Curiosity

Developers have a tendency to be curious about even the smallest of details and know how things work. Questions like- How to make it? How does it work? What will happen if we modify it in this way? Can I make it better?

2. Problem-Solving

At the end and at the beginning, it all comes down to problem-solving. You might be thinking that all a software developer does is write code, but no, coding is a small part of their big work aspects.

3. Automation

Developers can be lazy but in a smart way. They will make a single program in order to avoid multi-tasking.

4. Compose

Composing programs in order to automate tasks and pull things apart result in small units of code to do useful tasks and build a reliable system.

5. Creativity

Developers take huge pride in their work, as their work is the result of not only long hours of programming but also a long time of planning, designing, and bringing creativity in their work in order to make their output different from existing applications.

6. Holding everything together

A developer has to keep in mind a lot of things before even planning a software application. Similarly, there are a lot of aspects when it comes to developing software.

7. Improve Continually

A developer cannot be stuck at one basic idea, they need to keep on enhancing their in-built skills as well as improve their working style from time to time. Keep learning, whether, from peers, juniors, or seniors, a developer should never stop learning.

Till now we briefly talked about what goes on in the mind of a software developer. Now let’s take a glimpse into “how software companies think and work

How do Software Companies think and work?

How do Software Companies think and work?
  1. Identification of the need

A software development company strives to identify the needs of the user, and understand what they need to create in order to meet the desires of the users.

2. Create digital solutions

Software developers tend to make digital solutions, as well as customized solutions according to users’ needs. They try to make digital solutions so that they could have a greater reach amongst users.

3. Develop a software

Software development is the most important element of a software company to accomplish something that potential consumers could find useful. So obviously they build software consistently and develop updates from time to time as the user demand increases. They work on mobile software applications, desktop solutions, and more.

4. Quality assurance

Quality is counted above quantity, unless and until your code is an efficient one, without any bugs and errors, it’s of no use. So companies run multiple tests to ensure the quality of the software, as it could result in tainting the name of the company.

5. Maintenance

Creating a software application isn’t the end, a company has to keep track of its use in the upcoming future as well. Checking for bugs and errors, required updates and more, to ensure that the app is working effectively and efficiently.

6. Design websites

Designing websites in order to connect with existing and potential customers. Websites are also created in order to meet the demands and needs of consumers and showcase themselves to new people.

7. Business point of view

In the end, it’s a software “company”, it has to think from the business point of view to sustain itself in the market. Whether it’s the revenue generated, employees reaction and satisfaction, and more such fundamentals that affect a company and its functioning.

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