How to become a Data Scientist?

3 min readFeb 23, 2022


A step-by-step guide to getting your dream job

How to become a data scientist?

Who is a data scientist? And where was this job profile about five years ago? Well, maybe it was always there, and we just failed to notice it. Data science is one of the most sought-after job profiles in the current market, why?

Read here to find out.

Now, in this blog we’ll discuss the basic steps you should follow when it comes to pursuing a career in Data Science:

  1. Learn Python: Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language with an object-oriented approach that seeks to help programmers produce clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects.

To know more, read here.

2. Learn Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib:

  • NumPy is a Python library that adds support for huge, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, as well as a large number of high-level mathematical functions to work on these arrays.
  • Pandas is a data manipulation and analysis software package for the Python programming language.
  • Matplotlib is a graphing package for Python with NumPy, the Python numerical mathematics extension. It provides an object-oriented API for embedding charts into programmes utilising GUI toolkits such as Tkinter, wxPython, Qt, or GTK.

3. Learn Statistics and Mathematics: Data scientists are required to acquire and analyse enormous volumes of organised and unstructured data and report on their results, therefore statistics is an important tool for them. Mathematics provides for a deeper understanding of a problem and the development of an appropriate solution.

4. Machine Learning automates the process of data analysis and creates real-time data-informed predictions without the need for human interaction.

5. Deep Learning is a form of Machine Learning training model that closely resembles the way the human brain makes choices.

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How to become a data scientist?
How to become a data scientist?

That’s not it, you can check out the training programs provided by Pepcoding. Become an industry level data scientist with our NADOS First Job Program with Data Science, and avail amazing job opportunities. Enhance your skills with our comprehensive training and preparation program for product-based companies.

Check out the brochure here.

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