How to become a Professional Coder?

4 min readDec 15, 2021


Software development is here to stay and shows no signs of abating in the next decades. Because the industry is evolving at such a rapid pace, both product and IT service-based companies are being compelled to operate at breakneck speed. It also suggests that software developers, who are the key architects behind every single system in this business’s ocean, must be similarly educated and fast-paced.

Until they intentionally choose to study and master the key abilities that will help them thrive in their profession as a developer, each ambitious developer is only as good as an amateur coding enthusiast. However, in order to live and grow, they must constantly brush up their essential skills or occasionally upskill within these foundations. These skills, on the other hand, are essential if you are just starting out as a software developer or programmer.

Here are the top six, most crucial skills for becoming a competent coding professional:

1. Algorithm

An algorithm is a collection of instructions provided to a computer to complete a task or solve a problem. Algorithms are at the center of computer science research. A better grasp of the algorithm would allow a programmer to write a code that is optimized.

An algorithm in computer systems is essentially a piece of logic created in software by software engineers to be effective, for the intended “target” computer(s) to produce output from provided (possibly null) input. An ideal algorithm would give faster results than a non-optimal (greater time complexity) algorithm for the same goal operating in more efficient hardware, even on old hardware; this is why algorithms, like computer hardware, are called technology.

For example, If you wish to find a specific entry, such as a number or a name, in a vast list, one of the most widely used algorithms is the Binary Search. Similarly, there are countless algorithms for various tasks and purposes that serve as the foundation of each application. To become an effective coder, one, must have a thorough understanding of Algorithms.

2. Data Structures

A Data Structure is a collection of data pieces that aid in the efficient storage and organization of data in a computer. Data structures enable programmers to store data inside specified frameworks, while also improving communication between backend activities and frontend users.

Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks, and Queues are just a few instances of Data Structures.

While an algorithm transforms your data into usable information in a readable fashion, it is equally important to understand how all of this data is organized in the first place. Data Structures is the answer to this question.

3.HTML and CSS for Frontend development

In computer science, both HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are basic programming languages. They are almost often the first two languages that each entry-level programmer learns.

HTML assists a programmer in creating all the material and structure of a web page, whereas CSS assists the coder in designing an appealing style of a web page and making the website appear more presentable.

4. JavaScript and Backend Technology

Any backend’s website comprises a server, an application, and a database. A typical backend developer creates and maintains the technology that enables these web components. These components, in turn, power up and activate the website’s user-facing side, allowing it to be visible on the internet.

5. Databases

A database is an organized collection of information or data that is stored electronically in a computer system. A Database Management System is normally in charge of a database (DBMS). MySQL, MongoDB, and Oracle are some of the most popular and widely used databases. Together, the data and DBMS, as well as the applications that are linked with them, are referred to as a single database system, which is further abbreviated as just a database.

6. Soft skills

As a software developer, you’d be needed to continually engage and collaborate with UI and UX designers, other developers, Product Managers, Quality Assurance Specialists, Engineering Managers, and, on occasion, consumers themselves. Communicating with many stakeholders, such as these, would undoubtedly necessitate the development of a set of skills that would complement your technical abilities as a programmer.

Along with communication skills, patience, empathy, conflict resolution, crisis management, and collaboration are some of the most important talents required to begin a career as a software engineer. As a result, if you want to become a coder, you also need to focus on your soft skills and give them equal significance.

So, what are you waiting for?

Visit Pepcoding to become a professional coder with NADOS 2.0, which makes learning fun and addictive. Sign in on NADOS today and become the next tech developer. Use our collaboration tool to collaborate with your peers. Moreover, you can also enroll in our online courses to learn to code from industry specialists and secure a career with a good salary.

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