The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Learn node.js

5 min readDec 9, 2021


Node.js is an open-source framework for building fast, scalable network applications. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.

This blog aims to be a complete beginners guide to node.js, starting from its history, how it works, how to install it and run it on your local computer, how to write applications using it, what are its main features, what are its alternatives (in case you don’t have the time to learn node JS) and few frequently asked questions.

Node.js is a free and open-source server environment that can run on a wide range of platforms. Node.js also gives you access to a large library of JavaScript modules, which substantially simplifies the development of Node.js web applications. It enables developers to utilize JavaScript to construct command-line tools and server-side scripting, which is the process of running scripts on the server to generate dynamic web page content before transmitting the page to the user’s browser. Ryan Dahl invented the Node.js framework in 2009.

Node.js is very easy to install whether you are using windows or mac.

Example: Installing Node.js on Windows

Step 1: Download Node.js Installer. In a web browser, navigate to …

Step 2: Install Node.js and NPM from Browser. Once the installer finishes downloading, launch it. …

Step 3: Verify Installation.

Node.js is ideally suited for non-blocking, event-driven servers due to its single-threaded architecture. It was designed for real-time, push-based architectures and is used for ordinary web pages as well as back-end API applications. It is not only efficient at what it does, but it is also well-liked. Furthermore, it also has a low proclivity to produce severe inter-version compatibility concerns.

Node.js serves several functions in today’s environment. Node.js may be used to build a variety of apps, ranging from backend management for social media marketing to single-page applications. Chat streaming, data streaming, and IoT applications are a few examples. It is also employed in the development of the most popular apps. Amazon, eBay, Reddit, Netflix, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and PayPal are among the companies that have adopted Node.js.

Learn how to install Node.js in the video below from the industry expert.

Modules in Node JS:

In Node.js, modules are code blocks that connect with an external application based on their relevant functionality. Modules might be a single file or a collection of files and directories. Modules are frequently used by programmers due to their reusability and ability to break down tough pieces of code into digestible portions.

Node.js consists of three types of modules:

  • Core Modules
  • Local Modules
  • Third-party modules

1. Core Modules: Node.js is a very minimal framework. The essential components contain their basic minimum functionality. When the process starts, these essential modules are built into the Node.js binary distribution and loaded. However, you must first import the core module before you can use it in your application.

HTTP, fs, path, process, OS, query string, and URL are all core modules.

2. Local Modules: Local modules are produced locally in a Node.js application. These modules separate the application’s many functionalities into separate files and directories. It may also be packaged and provided through NPM to the Node.js community for use.

3. Third-party modules: are modules that may be obtained via the Node Package Manager website (NPM). These modules may be installed in the project folder, either locally or globally. Some of the most popular third-party modules include mongoose, express, angular, and react.

Working with Node.js and Express

Express is the most popular Node web framework, and it also serves as the foundation for a number of other notable Node web frameworks. It provides a number of fundamental mechanisms. It responds to queries with a wide range of HTTP verbs and URL destinations (routes). Likewise, it may also specify basic web application characteristics such as the connection port and the placement of response templates. Furthermore, it has become the de facto server framework for node.js. Express is a backend component in the MEAN stack. MEAN is a free and open-source JavaScript software stack that combines MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js for generating dynamic web pages and online applications.

The Benefits of Learning Node.js

If you want to study front-end or back-end programming, you should look at Node.js. Here are five compelling reasons why:

1. Ease of Learning

JavaScript is used to write Node. JavaScript is a popular programming language that almost every developer is acquainted with. As a result, even for a novice JavaScript coder, learning Node involves less work and time.

2. Full Stack js

Node is responsible for the emergence of full-stack web development. When a single developer works on all aspects of a program, such as front-end development, back-end development, database administration, and so on, this is referred to as full-stack web development. Full-stack developers had to master numerous languages prior to Node. To create both front-end and back-end web apps using Node, you simply need to know JavaScript.

3. Demand in the Market

Full-stack developers are in high demand, and we’re witnessing an increase in the number of job listings that need Node knowledge. As a result, adding Node.js to your résumé is an excellent approach to broaden your employment options as a stack developer. Furthermore, the remuneration is magnificent: The average compensation for a Node.js developer is $100,000 per year.

4. App Development Freedom

Unlike Ruby on Rails, which enforces principles and regulations for constructing software, Node provides far greater flexibility in app development. A new Node installation just provides the bare minimum, allowing you to construct anything from scratch with little constraints.

5. Integrated Community

Node.js is an open-source framework with a very active and lively community of developers who are always working to enhance it. This facilitates learning since you have access to a wide range of options at every level of growth.

We hope you enjoyed our beginner's guide to node.js. If you are interested in learning more about node.js, visit Pepcoding NADOS 2.0 and learn about node.js and other advanced programming topics from our industry experts.

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