What’s the importance of Soft Skills in the Programming World?

6 min readJan 4, 2022


A blog around the hard and soft skills in the programming world.

What’s the importance of Soft Skills in the Programming World?
What’s the importance of Soft Skills in the Programming World?

Have you ever thought about why do we segregate the world into different types? One of them being Programming World, then there’s the fashion world and the other could be… well we’ll get into that later. Let’s dive right through the Programming World first.

Coding is only a small part of programming, there are a lot more aspects that surround the concerned topic. Developing a software application from scratch to decoding the complexities of a code and rectifying errors are a few elements of programming. But these are not enough, a lot more skills, inclusive of professional skills along with hard and soft skills conclude programming.

Let’s give you a brief on the important hard skills any developer should have:

What’s the importance of Soft Skills in the Programming World?
Hard Skills in the Programming World

1. Data Structures and Algorithms

Data Structures and Algorithms(DSA) are very crucial to crack technical interviews. Any interviewer will make sure to ask questions related to DSA because it’s one of the most basic and important concepts for a developer. Although there are beginners who often avoid the topic altogether as they think that it is a basic and not-so-important skill.

But we would like to let you know that it’s not true. First and foremost, Data Structures and Algorithms go hand-in-hand.

Data structures refer to storing data within specific frameworks and sorting algorithms, whereas algorithms refer to a set of instructions that are used in problem-solving or accomplishing a task.

Pepcoding provides courses as well as programs for students to master DSA. You can check them out here.

2. JavaScript

Java is currently one of the most popular programming languages and is perceived by many budding programmers. It is mostly used for the purpose of frontend development, but it can be used for the development of the backend as well. JavaScript is an independent platform, and it is also referred to as the language of the Web.

3. SQL & NoSQL

SQL and NoSQL are two of the most common types of programming languages used in order to communicate with databases in backend development, basically amidst web pages.

SQL or Structured Query Language refers to the standard language that is used to communicate with relational databases. Whereas NoSQL is used to deal with non-relational databases.


HTML is one of the basic coding languages, and one of the firsts that programmers learn as beginners. HyperText Markup Language or HTML is used to write, structure, and organize the content of a web page. It is a front-end development language used to design web pages and make them functional and accessible.

5. CSS

CSS is yet another basic front-end development language like HTML is also a basic language used to design the webpage and make it accessible and functional to users. CSS is crucial for frontend development as it provides guidelines for the web page on how it should appear before users and its structure in order to navigate.

Furthermore, whether you choose to become a front-end developer or not, it’s important to be skilled in HTML as well as CSS.

6. API(Application Programming Interface)

The component of a remote server that takes a user’s queries and delivers replies to the rest of the server and website is known as an API (Application Programming Interface). A programmer can utilize a website’s API to fulfill a user’s request and link it to an external server without having to leave the original site. API knowledge should be high on any programming abilities list since it improves the consumer experience on a website.

7. Git

Git is one of the fastest-growing systems in the world of programming currently. It enables programmers to track and manage changes to their source code as they progress through the development process. As every version is kept and can be retrieved on-demand, it makes it simple to repair any faults that may arise.

8. PHP

Hypertext Preprocessor, popularly known as PHP is a highly learnable and general-purpose language used for the purpose of scripting. It’s a fun, easy-to-learn technique that’s useful for front-end developers.

Furthermore, it can be easily embedded into HTML. PHP is entirely executed on the server-side instead of the client-side. Well, it is obvious that a user would see the results, but it would be practically difficult to decipher the underlying code.

Coming to Soft Skills, they are equally important to survive, not only in the Programming world but in general too.

What’s the importance of Soft Skills in the Programming World?
What’s the importance of Soft Skills in the Programming World?

1. Communication skills

In any field, the communication path must be crisp and clear. And in the aspect of coding, a code should be made simple to read, write and understand so that another coder too can easily access and understand the code. Whether he/she is the dumbest of coders or the smartest of the lot, the code must be readable for both.

2. Patience

Patience is the key. Patience to handle the complexities of a code or a program, patience to resolve the bugs, patience to develop a code from scratch, and last but not least, patience to handle people. Whether they be your boss, colleagues, or juniors, you never know which type of person you are going to work with, so it’s good that you have the patience to handle it all.

3. Problem-solving

As much as technical skills have importance in programmer’s life, problem-solving is also an essential skill that should be handy for them. There will be complex problems on your way, whether it’s a gnarly piece of code or something that you have no idea how it‘s supposed to work or to be built. Overcoming this pattern requires problem-solving skills.

A programmer needs to understand how problem-solving can be done effectively and efficiently. There are high chances for programmers to run into challenges no matter where you work or what you do. It’s crucial to know how to approach them and come up with a solution.

4. Teamwork

Remember? In schools as well as colleges we used to have group projects, and we were also taught the importance of teamwork in behavioral sciences and moral sciences? Why do you think we had it in our curriculum? Being able to coordinate amidst several different-minded people is important to sustain in the workplace. Being able to collaborate and enhance productivity within a group results in the successful development of projects.

Furthermore, developers are very much required to work as a team, and each developer has his/her way of thinking and ideologies to move ahead with a project. So it’s important to have a positive environment during teamwork for a healthy and positive result.

5. Perseverance

Being able to achieve something, despite continued difficulties or failures is referred to as Perseverance. But why does a developer need it? Well, as you might be aware, Programming is not everyone’s cup of tea. A simple line of code with errors can haunt a developer forever, so the zeel to not give up is important. There have been incidents where students have left this niche because they couldn’t handle solving the same error continuously for a week and more and are still stuck in the same problem.

6. Accountability

Taking accountability for your actions is a crucial characteristic of any human being. You should know when to take accountability for your actions because you can’t let your whole team down because of your own mistake. Taking ownership of your work as well as your mistakes showcases your ethics in the workplace.

7. Curiosity

Curiosity is the first step towards any new experiment or concept. You might relate to the fact that Curiosity drives a person to do better and keep on improving. It also brings out the learner in you. If the “curious cell” of the body is missing, a developer won’t be putting in much effort in his/her program, whether it’s related to design, functionality, efficiency, or more.

So these were a few skills to be kept in hand for an efficient developer to sustain in the world of Programming. If you found this blog helpful, you can further read-

Moreover, if you want to build your coding career from scratch, visit Pepcoding. Pepcoding is a platform, structured exclusively for enthusiastic learners like you, and build a career in other niches as well. Reach out to us for more information.

Thanks for reading this far.

Author: Sejal Shaw

