A possible solution to the North Dakota pipeline protest

Pepin Lachance
3 min readNov 29, 2016


On a possible solution to the North Dakota pipeline I have an idea that might work for all parties. As far as the conflict I see three major points of contention. The first is that the pipeline will go threw sacred tribal lands. The second is that the pipeline threatens a critical water supply for the whole are. The third is that our use of Co2 emitting energy sources threaten the entire planet. I have possible solutions for two of the points of contention the last would require a greater understanding of native culture then I currently posses.

The first conflict is the fact that the pipeline is going threw sacred lands. This is the point of conflict that I have no resolution for if anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them. In particular if you have any actual experience or understanding of native culture regarding how the sacred lands could be honored and protected while still getting the pipeline going I would be greatly appreciative.

The second point of contest is regarding water security. I talked to my mom today, and she pointed out that the pipeline would be dug into the bedrock so the likelihood of a possible spill would be minimal, however if Energy solutions were to bring local natives into the process by hiring them to do monitoring and train them in remediation in case anything were to happen it might bring much needed jobs and pride to people whom call that land there own. Energy Solutions could even create an official job title of water protector. These individuals should also be trained in terms of what to do in case Energy Solutions fails to uphold there end of the bargain. This will also require a continued commitment by the public to hold all party's fully accountable regarding this deal.

The third conflict is regarding climate change, and the solution needs the cooperation of a third party namely this company http://www.kiverdi.com/about/ If you want a concise explanation of what they have to offer please take the time to watch this TED talk https://youtu.be/c8WMM_PUOj0 In short Energy Partners and Kiverdi could hire natives to run a plant that uses bacteria to sequester massive amounts of CO2 and produce everything from an animal feed additive to a palm oil substitute. In terms of dividing the profits that would be up to all three parties to decide.

In this time of true crisis I truly believe that if we are to adopt this model it could truly have global and long lasting impacts. Energy Transfer Partners LTD., #NoDAPL The standing rock tribe, and all other native peoples may in the end save our great and noble planet. That is assuming that we can see this situation as a true opportunity rather then an intractable conflict.

I had hoped to be able to work on this paper for a longer amount of time, however given the speed at which the reality in North Dakota is changing. I worried that if I delayed too long the time to act would be long gone. Please forgive this humble author for not delving as deeply as possible into this subject. I hope that others will take the time to flesh out the details or even wholly refute any of my unworkable ideas. What we can not afford to do is sit by and watch as more people are injured or killed. Just as with climate change we must not wait until we are absolutely sure of what the perfect solution will be. If we do I fear we will simply be too late.

