Cameras Don’t See — Mimicking the Human Eye in Software

5 min readMay 22, 2019

Say “so long” to people with a clipboard. The next generation camera has been built to mimic the human eye and provide spatial intelligence about the data that the camera captures.

Curiosity is the best part of being “human”. This curiosity and creativeness is a software vendor’s worst nightmare. Just because a person can “dream it”, doesn’t mean that software can implement it.

This is especially true when working with video. Computer vision specialist Everett Berry and CEO of Perceive along with Aaron Michaux, CTO of Perceive, helped me understand that most overhead cameras don’t capture exactly what the human eye sees. I had previously assumed that video cameras provide an exact recording of what I see. This is not the case. A security camera, in-store camera, shelf camera only captures a portion of what our eyes see, but the real magic is how the brain turns that into a rich 3D visual scene.

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