How Business Can Beat Artificial Intelligence

3 min readMay 3, 2023


we must first understand the different aspects of AI and its limitations. Then, we can explore various strategies that can be used to overcome or outsmart AI systems.

  1. Understanding AI Limitations As mentioned in the previous section, AI has several limitations that can be exploited to beat it. The first step to outsmarting AI is to understand its weaknesses. This can be done by examining the specific AI algorithm being used and identifying its limitations.

For example, if an AI algorithm is designed to make predictions based on statistical patterns, it may be vulnerable to manipulation through data poisoning. By introducing biased or misleading data, the algorithm can be tricked into making incorrect predictions. Similarly, if an AI system lacks context awareness, it may struggle with complex language or ambiguous situations, which can be used to mislead it.

  1. Using Adversarial Examples Adversarial examples are inputs that are intentionally designed to trick an AI system into making incorrect predictions. By carefully crafting inputs that exploit the weaknesses of an AI algorithm, it is possible to create adversarial examples that fool the system into making errors.

For example, in computer vision, an adversarial example can be an image that has been slightly altered to mislead an AI system into misidentifying an object. Similarly, in natural language processing, an adversarial example can be a sentence that has been carefully crafted to trick an AI algorithm into misinterpreting the meaning.

  1. Using Ensemble Methods Ensemble methods involve combining multiple AI models to improve accuracy and reduce the risk of errors. By using different algorithms with varying strengths and weaknesses, it is possible to create a more robust system that is less vulnerable to attacks.

For example, in image recognition, an ensemble method may use multiple neural networks, each trained on a different subset of data. By combining the outputs of these networks, the system can achieve higher accuracy and reduce the risk of misidentification.

  1. Using Human Expertise While AI systems are capable of processing vast amounts of data and making predictions based on statistical patterns, they lack the ability to understand context or make creative decisions. In many cases, human expertise can be used to supplement AI systems and improve their accuracy.

For example, in medical diagnosis, AI algorithms can be used to analyze patient data and identify potential health risks. However, human doctors can use their expertise to interpret the results and make informed decisions based on the context of the patient’s medical history.

  1. Using Explainable AI Explainable AI refers to AI systems that can provide insights into how decisions are made. By using explainable AI, it is possible to understand the logic behind an AI system’s decision-making process and identify potential vulnerabilities or biases.

For example, in credit scoring, explainable AI can be used to provide insights into the factors that influence creditworthiness. By understanding how an AI algorithm makes its decisions, it is possible to identify potential biases or errors and correct them.

In conclusion, beating AI requires a combination of understanding its limitations, exploiting weaknesses, using ensemble methods, incorporating human expertise, and using explainable AI. By taking these strategies into account, it is possible to create more robust AI systems that are less vulnerable to attacks and more reliable in their decision-making processes.




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