The Main Challenges of Digital Marketing?

3 min readApr 19, 2023


According to Deloitte, 72% of marketers believe that the need to trade has increased during the pandemic. As the last 18 months have brought about various changes in customer behavior, digital marketing has become a powerful tool to communicate with new and existing customers. With the different restrictions of our daily life, people have not lived a different life, so they do business and spend their time in different ways. As it becomes increasingly difficult to meet customer expectations and remain competitive while using the latest technology, digital marketers are changing their strategies. It’s no secret that digital marketing is going through a transition period right now, and other challenges include:

Buy a mailing list
Buying a mailing list is usually not the best idea, since there is no guarantee that the link will be interested in your development or project. Without a prior connection to your business, recipients will not be able to contact you and may report your email as spam, which can affect your business reputation.


Consider creating valuable content that targets the type of customers you want to do business with. Create a landing page with a sign-up form for website visitors to exchange their contact information for your content.

Tools and technology are outdated
Many creatives may not have the right tools or techniques to create a powerful digital marketing strategy. This could be due to budget, team size, or even ongoing contractual commitments. But the truth is that tracking and studying data leads to better business and better marketing decisions. Solution

Embracing new digital tools like customer relationship management software and automation tools can help streamline data collection and, in turn, drive results. Although design and testing can take time and money, the results are worth the investment. Start with free tools like Google Data Studio to create relevant reports. Once you understand the tool, you can start creating complex stories. 3. Insufficient content
It has been proven that B2B buyers don’t invest without doing their homework first. Consumers have become empowered to search for information online to help them choose the best product or service. However, if searchers do not find the data they want and instead encounter complex or inferior content, they will look elsewhere.


Make sure you create quality content that directly answers your audience’s questions and concerns. Many tools are at your disposal to know exactly what your users are looking for, the best resource to create content ideas!

4. The website is closed
Most of the customers prefer to educate themselves, do research and choose suppliers during their vacation. They don’t like to talk to a salesperson until they are ready to make their purchase decision. Having a user-friendly and informative website to engage visitors is important, but some developers don’t have the skills or time to update their websites.


Starting with a “small” update can create a big impact. Does your first page clearly state your business purpose in 1 or 2 sentences?

Do you have a clear and compelling call to action on each page? Have you edited your title tags and meta description to include keywords?

Is your website content fresh and accurate? Once you’ve addressed these website requirements, you can move on to other changes such as design and functionality to match your competitors.

Lead management
It is important to understand that not all leaders are equal so it is good to follow other information in other ways. A person who offers to download an ebook is very different from someone who fills out a form to request a referral. These can be considered as Sales Qualified Information (SQL) that are eager to buy your current product or service without requiring further details. The first is a qualified lead (MQL), someone who is interested in your product or service but wants more information before buying.


Distinguishing between MQL and SQL is a key consideration in revenue generation. Using customer relationship management software allows you to track the behavior of your prospects and helps you prioritize which leads to follow up on when.




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