What Are The Best Days To Organize A Corporate Event? Hacks & Tips — SEO Copywriting Services Example


The best day to host an event, is not what you think. On first thought, your corporate event should be organized for weekend evenings, when the cliche wild nights out, and wedding after parties simply thrive. But weekend nights couldn’t be further from the actual best days to hold a cooperate event. The truth is that venues are overbooked during weekends, and people are reluctant to have anything interrupt their weekend, as weekends are essentially reserved for relaxation and “time off”. Corporate events seem like the exact type of gathering that should take place at a banquet hall on a Friday evening, but tired workers are a lot less likely to be engaging on that night, which is classically a night of relief from a tedious week at work.

Monday could qualify as a great day for a corporate event, however the only issue with the first work day of the week is that people have just started the work week, and very few cooperate employees enjoy jumping straight into the work week with a company event on the very first day, as most corporate employees are still in “weekend mode”. Monday is essentially a warm-up day, where corporate employees are still gearing up for a week of hard work. If for some reason you do plan a corporate event on Monday, you’ll hope you hadn’t, especially once you realize the high rate of non-engagement from attendees, who literally can’t take their eyes off the clock, and whom are pretty much lazy, and ready to go home.

Here’s the hack — The new weekend is during the weekday, so organize your corporate event for during the work week, typically Tuesdays and Thursdays. From the convenience for attendees, to availability of the venues, and venue cost, there are plenty of reasons why you should hold your corporate event on weekday evenings, but not just any weekday that is.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are the best days to organize corporate events because:

  • It’s convenient for attendees
  • Venues have vacancy
  • Venue costs are much more affordable

Convenient for attendees

Tuesday and Thursday evenings are the best days to organize corporate events because it is very convenient for attendees to actually show up those evenings. Attendees can easily zip right to the venue location, directly after work at 5–6 PM. While of course this means that they will be expecting drinks and refreshments, after a long day’s work, you’ll have an opportunity to lighten the mood and let attendees relax.

Another great thing about holding corporate events on Tuesdays and Thursdays is that attendees are already in business-casual attire, and do not need an extra nudge to get dressed again, and go out for the evening. Attendees are usually still engaged, and still have just enough energy to maintain business etiquette after work, so you’ll need to do very little to get them speaking, moving around, and even donating money for a charitable cause, if that is the nature of your event. Business people often work based on convenience, so you doing your best to work with their schedules, and energy levels are in the best of both your an their interest — which will pay off as a successful weekday corporate event.

Venues have vacancy

Tuesday and Thursday evenings are the best days to organize corporate events because venues of your choice have far more vacancy on those evenings. If there is a certain venue that you want to book for your corporate event, chances are that they will be totally booked on Fridays, and Saturdays, mostly because of the number of people that have reserved them for weddings and other events. During the weekday, especially Tuesdays and Thursdays, right in the middle of the work week, venues have ‘vacancy galore’.

If there is a certain venue that you want to organize the event at, you will be more free to choose the time that works best for the attendees, due to the availability of booking space. Since Tuesday and Thursday are both right in the middle of the work week, you’ll want to be sure to tell attendees ahead of time, that the event will finish early enough, so that they don’t feel pressured into having to stay late. Furthermore, not only will Tuesday and Thursday corporate event times allow amazing flexibility with booking the venue, but you can also get the venue time slot for an amazingly affordable price.

Venues are much more affordable

Tuesday and Thursday evenings are the best days to organize corporate events because venues of your choice are more affordable during those evenings. Venue bookings are in demand during the weekend, which is when the prices conveniently seem to rise. Venue owners are much more likely to offer an affordable price for the venues during week days where little to no companies are booking them. The great thing about this is that you can take advantage of the cost savings that you’ll get and reinvest them back into the event itself, to make it an absolutely stellar event! The value that you received in event savings can be redirected over to attendees, increasing the quality of they corporate event experience. That’s something that will pay off exponentially as the organization will have a better reputation, and possibly even more happy, and robust employees.

You should smartly organize your corporate event for Tuesday and Thursday evenings, because there are many benefits in doing so. Tuesday and Thursday evenings are the absolute best days to organize corporate events because it’s convenient for attendees to attend right after work, venues have more vacancy, allowing you so choose the place you want to hold the event, and venue costs are much more affordable, allowing you to reinvest savings into the event experience. With a better experience at the event, attendees are more likely to attend energetically, and even engage by networking. Attendees will eventually look forward to the next, fun corporate event, gala, or business trade show experience that you organize. Smart planning for your event will surely make attendees enjoy your selection of venue, as well as the savings in energy you’ve given them due to the schedule convenience!

*This is an SEO copywriting sample.



Andrew Writing — SEO Copywriting Services

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