Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Walking Around To Your Side

Celebrating DEI through Radical Listening

Performance Frontiers
3 min readMar 17, 2022

Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant?

Henry David Thoreau

At PF, we highly value the 3 C’s: curiosity, compassion and connection. For us to live out those particular values means committing to a deep level of inclusivity, and we try and practice that everyday.

Underpinning that practice is even deeper listening: Radical Listening (RL), if you will. RL is a concept that’s implicit in our PF social contract, and explicit in our conversations around how we wish to “be” with each other as a team, our clients, and the world.

And talking about it is important because the action of RL has to be a very conscious choice.

As humans, we tend to respond reflexively to challenges and opinions that are different to our own, through the filter of our personal lens or biases. Radical Listeners, however, strive to sit on that compulsive need to respond and make the effort (and it is an effort!) to “walk around to the other person’s side”, to see the world from their viewpoint. This is not an easy thing to do. In fact, it’s generally downright uncomfortable.

Image Credit: Satyabratasm on Unsplash

The discomfort, we know, is caused by two factors.

First, we’re having to override the years and years of evolutionary development that instructs our limbic system to fight or fly at the sign of opposition or conflict.

And second, it also means having to forfeit the highly addictive dopamine hit that we get from being right.

Passionate practitioners of Radical Listening, however, believe it is the way out of the silo-ed fortresses we’ve built for ourselves, and the way to build a bridge across the fierce polarities and prejudices that are choking human society.

By choosing to sit in the emotional discomfort triggered by suspending judgement and truly listening, we create the space to find the common ground that will build new paths forward.

If we think of deep listening as the beginning, the footings, the foundations that lays a path to change. By “softening the ground” between us, we can begin to use creativity, compassion, and collaboration, not just to overcome differences, but to transform and evolve.

Image Credit: Callum Chapman on Unsplash

RL is not only a choice that needs to be made, but also a muscle to be exercised. And a way to tone this muscle is by practicing our inner listening. This means taking moments to focus and listen to ourselves: our mind/body. What do we want and need? Where are our frictions and disconnects?

When we first attempt these moments of pause, we may become aware that inaction, or “not doing”, is uncomfortable and counter intuitive to what we believe is productive.

In this discomfort, lies the tension and the work we need to do — becoming more at home with being receptively present.

As our capacity for this state of being grows, the kind of attention we give will also change. Rather than our attention being alternating or divided, we will find ourselves able to give focus and sustained concentration.

Image Credit: Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

And as we work harder to pause and listen, we will discover “these are the moments that we taste and touch the mystery.” — Tara Brach. That is, the joy of truly understanding and connecting with ourselves, and with others.



Performance Frontiers

We are partners in transformation. We help visionary leaders and organisations change, grow and thrive⁠ — to create the world of tomorrow, today.