Intercourse during periods

“Sex during periods?! Eww that’s gross.” ,“Do other people do it?” ,“How is it even possible?” ,“Is it even safe to have sex while menstruating?”

The Period Society ~ Cuttack
4 min readJun 19, 2022

Yes, why not. We live in a society that has handed us the narrative of disgusting menstruation. And this why, period sex is viewed to be disgusting and embarrassing to talk about. While thinking and talking about period sex, women often bring out their internalized stigma which further affects their decision making. Let’s read and find out more about period sex, its benefits and side effects.

An illustration with various menstrual hygiene related products
Credits to our Illustrator - Falguni Raul


Even though some people avoid having sex during ‘those days’ of the month, some people find it pleasurable.

Any kind of sexual activity releases endorphins which lessen the pain of cramps. It also reduces stress and improves sleeping patterns. It is important to talk about this and have the consent of both the partners so that none of them feels uncomfortable. Period sex also reduces the menstrual cycle and blood flow stops after 2 to 3 days of intercourse. Doesn’t seem like a bad idea now, does it?


Any kind of sexual activity during menstruation is considered to be gross, embarrassing and dirty. Even a women menstruating is seen as impure and dirty. Any kind of sexual intercourse involves fluids and sweat, no kind of sex is ‘clean’; then why is it still so embarrassing to talk about? Even when periods are a natural biological process a woman goes through, why is it still not normalized to talk about? Menstrual blood is not a reason to avoid intercourse unless it’s your personal preference.


When we talk about sex, no kind of sexual encounter is ‘clean’. However, when we talk about period sex, it can turn out to be very messy. Apart from the menstrual blood ruining the sheets, it might also make your partner anxious, thinking he might’ve hurt you somewhere. Anxiety over making a mess on the sheets might also ruin your experience. It is advisable to use a dark colored cloth to cover the sheets and to remove a tampon or a menstrual cup before the intercourse.


Again, no kind of sex is safe. But period sex does increase the chances of transmitting STD’s. Since, STD’s like Hepatitis or HIV spread through a fluid medium and live in blood, there are chances that they might spread through with the menstrual blood. Due to hormonal imbalances and constant change in pH level of vagina during the days a woman menstruates, she becomes prone to yeast and urinal tract infection. Bacteria travel easily along to the bladder during the intercourse and may lead to un-invited problems.

However, proper contraceptive measures are a must. May it be period sex or your ordinary ‘non period’ sex, ensuring proper contraceptive measures would help prevent STD’s and other infections and that’s how you can have a pleasurable and SAFE sex.

Also, before the intercourse, the tampon or menstrual cup should be removed so that it isn’t pushed further inside and lead to infection.


The life span of a sperm living inside a woman’s body is around 5 to 6 days. So there are chances that a woman will be releasing an egg while the sperm is in her tract. Having unprotected sex is ALWAYS a risky job. So if you’re not conceiving, it is highly advisable to use contraceptives to avoid unplanned pregnancy and STD’s. As far as being pregnant is concerned, there is no 100% guarantee that a woman cannot get pregnant while she is menstruating. Although the odds of getting pregnant during menstruation are less, you can still get pregnant.


Period sex is always a personal choice, some people fine it pleasurable, and some people avoid it. It depends on the consent of both the people. However, it should be noted that period sex is NOT dirty or disgusting. According to a 2011 study, published in Feminism & Psychology, exploring women’s attitudes towards menstruation and sex, women attributed their negativity about period sex to partner discomfort and the emotional implications of dealing with that discomfort.[4]

Women often prioritize their partners’ pleasure over their own when assessing sexual satisfaction, so avoiding menstrual sex may also satisfy their partners’ needs or wants if their partners dislike menstrual sex. Mess-free sex isn’t the benchmark of a good experience and is ALWAYS a matter of personal preferences.


  1. 40. We tried period sex (Again). (2022, February 7).
  2. Broster, A. (n.d.). Stigma attached to period sex may be a thing of the past, research suggests. Forbes. Retrieved June 17, 2022, from
  3. CASSANO, O. (n.d.). Why are some men still grossed out by period sex? Retrieved June 17, 2022, from
  4. Fahs, B. (2011). Sex during menstruation: Race, sexual identity, and women’s accounts of pleasure and disgust. Feminism & Psychology, 21(2), 155–178.


  1. Period sex?! How gross is it? | taboo talks ft. @dobara. (n.d.). Retrieved June 13, 2022, from
  2. Kya periods mein sex karna safe hai? Here’s your checklist. (n.d.). Retrieved June 13, 2022, from
  3. TANFER, K., & ARAL, S. O. (1996). Sexual intercourse during menstruation and self-reported sexually transmitted disease history among women. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 23(5), 395–401.
  4. Allen, K. R., & Goldberg, A. E. (2009). Sexual activity during menstruation: A qualitative study. Journal of Sex Research, 46(6), 535–545.

Article written by Khushi Modi. Follow her on Instagram.



The Period Society ~ Cuttack

With this blog, we aim to gather an audience which can in turn help us enact the change we want to see in daily conversations regarding menstruation and health.