Peri Riddel
2 min readMay 27, 2019

People Keep Dying: The Politics of Accountability

Source: Rep. Lauren Underwood’s Instagram account

Last week, Rep. Lauren Underwood (D- IL) questioned the policies of Homeland Security.

“…People keep dying. So this is obviously more than just a question of resources. Congress has been more than willing to provide the resources and work with you to address the security and humanitarian concerns and at this point with 5 kids that have died and with 5,000 separated from their families. I feel like, and the evidence is really clear, that this is intentional. It is intentional. It is a policy choice that is being made on purpose by this administration and it’s cruel and inhumane.”

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan was “Appalled.” And Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) immediately made a motion for Underwood’s words to be “taken down” (erased from the record).

But why? Due to the administration’s policies, enacted by Homeland Security, thousands of children were separated from their families, and as of an April court filing, the US Government states it could take two years to reunite families. Homeland Security enacted policies without appropriate tracking measures in place. This would imply that either the department never had any intention of reunifying these families, or they are grossly incompetent. Either way, it is reasonable to question the Secretary.

Since September, five children have died while in US Custody. Previously, no migrant children had died in federal custody since 2010.

Rep Underwood noted, “Yesterday a child died under [McAleenan’s] leadership.”

Rep Mike Rogers remarked, “Because he can’t get the resources.”

It is right to question the policies and procedures in place when children die. If the children were U.S. Citizens, “resources” would not be a sufficient answer. If they were white children, would “resources” be an answer? It is reasonable to question the Secretary.

This line of questioning highlights the gaps in this administration’s policies and the gaps in acknowledging the stark impact that the policy choices have on human beings. Some of our representatives are more horrified that questions are being asked then they are at the actual events. Appalled, that they may be held accountable for the results of the policies they helped put in place.

Policies impact human beings. And Rep. Underwood is right to demand answers.

Source: Homeland Security Committee Hearings YouTube
Peri Riddel

Writer, Yogi (200 RYT). I eat plants and am interested in all things politics, health & wellness. And puppies. Always puppies.