The Wisdom Of A Puppy

Whitmer Thomas “Most Likely”

Matthew Perpetua
1 min readNov 16, 2022

Whitmer Thomas’ primary lane is comedy but he’s an accomplished songwriter whose songs flirt with comedic premises and punchlines but mostly veer away from novelty territory. This sets him apart from the likes of Bo Burnham, whose music is always a pastiche of some kind in service of a joke, and puts him firmly in an indie rock tradition. If you squint your ears a bit “Most Likely” could pass a Wilco song — a little brighter in tonality than most Jeff Tweedy compositions, but with a similar grain of voice and a Charlie Brown-ish mix of humor and melancholy. The song is basically Thomas running through sad sack sentiments — What if there was a room at every party where you could just watch a movie? What if he’s too sentimental for when he was too broke to get a therapist? How do you get over imposter syndrome? The song is overflowing with neuroses but the phrasing and tone make it clear at every moment that he’s making himself the joke here, and he’s doing so because he’s got enough perspective on himself to know when he’s being silly. And in showing himself being silly, he’s giving people some room to laugh at themselves a bit too.

Buy it from Bandcamp.

