The Best Possible Use Of Industrial Electric Motors

3 min readDec 11, 2023


Electric motors convert electrical power into mechanical force that can create motion. They can be used in a variety of industrial applications like rotary presses and baggage carousels. Choosing the right motor for your plant floor depends on a few factors. For example, brushed motors contain brushes for transferring energy, so they aren’t suitable for environments that can produce sparks.

Electric motors convert electrical energy into mechanical movement, so efficiency matters. Energy savings can reduce operating expenses, increase equipment reliability and extend service life, and lower the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Losses come from many sources and can vary among motors of the same make, type and size. Ohmic losses, magnetic core loss, bearing friction and windage are the main types of energy use. Many of these losses can be reduced through copper coils that offer better conductivity than aluminum coils, improved manufacturing techniques to shorten the ends of stator and rotor winds and upgraded lamination materials that improve magnetic core performance. The air gap between the rotor and stator can also be minimized to increase magnetizing current. These changes can help an organization save a great deal of energy, even at low loads. On a national basis, mature, proven technologies can deliver substantial industrial motor system energy savings, saving millions of dollars annually and reducing carbon emissions.

Electric motors are a critical part of many industrial and consumer devices. But, how can these machines be made more reliable? The reliability of an electric motor can be improved through good selection, care and maintenance. However, even with these measures, some industrial electric motors may be forced to operate in severe environments that can greatly reduce their lifespan.

Motors used in flammable vapor, explosive gas and explosive dust environments must be properly rated and protected for the type of hazard they are exposed to. These requirements can be met through the use of proper electrical and mechanical protection systems. In one study, electric motors in plants with no planned maintenance programs were found to have twice as many failures as those that had a preventive or other scheduled maintenance program. Click here or visit our official platform for exclusive offers and updates on surplus motors.

Safety is important to consider during every step of the industrial electric motor process, from installation to everyday operation and maintenance. Developing and consistently following proper electric motor safety procedures can help prevent accidents that can damage the machine or harm personnel. For example, it is imperative to always work with your electric motors under adequate illumination. Failure to do so can cause mistakes that can result in electrical shock. It’s also critical to always disconnect the power supply before working on the motor or touching any part of it. Otherwise, you could inadvertently become part of the circuit and receive lethal amounts of electricity. The electric motor is one of the most important pieces of equipment within any industrial operation. They play a pivotal role in the overall productivity of the organization, and if they shut down, production can come to a stop costing time and money. The most effective way to improve the performance of your industrial electric motors is through a predictive maintenance plan. These plans are based on data directly provided by the machines through vibration, temperature and winding sensors.

