The Lost Wisdom of the Magical Plant-Medicine Acacia Confusa

Perri Michelle
10 min readMay 30, 2023


The Pyramids of Egypt, where spiritual initiation with Acacia originated

With very little information available about the psychedelic plant medicine, Acacia Confusa, I felt called to write a detailed account of everything I’ve discovered about this lost ancient wisdom. I’ll share the plant’s historical and spiritual significance, as well as my experience in ceremony and in preparation for it.

My hope is to spread awareness about this magical medicine, which seems to have been lost over time. Much of the history and ceremonial practice for Acacia seems to be relatively unknown even by shamans who are extremely knowledgeable and practiced with most other medicines. I feel beyond blessed that it was brought to me, and from my very first ceremony, I felt called to serve.

Historical & Spiritual Significance

The history of this plant medicine dates back to Ancient Egypt, where it was used for spiritual initiations. The psychedelic properties of the plant come from DMT which is naturally produced in the bark of the Acacia tree. When ingested, the hallucinogenic effects allow for the expansion of consciousness, which the Egyptians believed made it possible to connect with the Otherworld of the Divine.

The Acacia tree was considered sacred to the Goddess Isis, and played an important role in a number of stories surrounding her family. For instance, when the dead body of her husband Osiris washed up on the shores of Byblos, an Acacia tree magically grew up around the body as a natural sarcophagus. It is also mentioned when Isis, in her bird form, flies into her sacred Acacia tree after tricking Set during his battle with her son Horus.

The Acacia tree grows abundantly in Egypt and Israel, so it should come as no surprise that it is also found in the Old Testament. In fact, it is believed that the burning bush that spoke to Moses as God was an Acacia tree. It would make sense that the fumes from burning DMT would induce an expanded state of consciousness that allowed Moses to receive messages from God.

It is also described that during the giving of the 10 Commandments on Mount Sinai “all the people perceived the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the voice of the horn, and the mountain smoking.” With lightning and dry desert weather, it is not hard to imagine that an abundant bush producing DMT could be burning to create a cloud of smoke at the top of the mountain where Moses alone had received this wisdom from God.

If you have any doubt about the historical significance, I hope you’ll read on where I’ll share my own personal experience with the plant medicine, which for me at least, eliminated any shred of doubt.

My Experience

I have now sat in ceremony with Acacia dozens of times, with a varying number of people ranging from 2 to 15. I’ve found that the experience is very internal, and for those with the ability to meditate deeply, the happenings of the group around you are minimally distracting. Even for those who are easily distracted, the experiences of those around you can sometimes demonstrate the power of the medicine and the depth of our human connection, which may allow you to break through fear and surrender more fully.

The energy of Acacia is gentle, joyful, and empowering. While Ayahuasca is known as the Grandmother spirit, Acacia is the maiden. She is youthful, passionate, and excited to guide you in your healing. She encourages you to enjoy the process, laughing at your limiting beliefs as she shows you them more deeply. When you are able to meet her with this joyful outlook on your journey, she will take you deeper within your subconscious.

Alternatively, if you are overwhelmed or resistant, she will gently ease you back to a normal state of consciousness, allowing you to pace yourself in awakening. For this reason, Acacia affects everyone differently based on their willingness to surrender and enjoy the experience.

While every ceremony showed me something different, all offered profound leaps in my conscious awareness. I believe my first ceremony is the most illustrative of the varying depths one can go in the process of an Acacia journey, so I will detail that one only.

After the ceremonial safe space was opened, and we grounded, set intentions and drank the Acacia brew, it took about 30 minutes for the effects of the medicine to be obvious, although I am a daily practiced meditator, so it is quite easy for me to drop into a deep meditation. The experience began with a very obvious tour of my fears, which I’ll call Part 1.

I first saw bugs crawling all over my body and even into my eyes. While I could have fought this, opened my eyes, and ended the hallucinations, I instead surrendered to understand more deeply. The medicine showed me that these creatures are also living beings and mean no harm. As I allowed them to cover me calmly, I was transported to the jungle where I was surrounded by darkness. I heard animal noises in the distance and realized the deep fear I had of the jungle.

This was especially relevant at the time, as I was in the process of looking for retreat properties in Costa Rica and hadn’t considered the idea of being at the property all alone, so far from civilization. But the medicine guided me to trust the Earth and know that there was nothing to fear.

Next, it showed me sharks in the ocean ripping me apart, piece by piece. This has been an irrational fear since childhood, and seeing it this way made me laugh out loud. It seemed so unrealistic that I would ever be in this scenario or that sharks would rip me apart with such precision.

Lastly, I saw myself in a dark home with an intruder searching for me. As I hid in fear, he found me and proceeded to rape and murder me. As it was happening, I understood how every fear I had was actually an overarching fear of death. And as this realization washed over me, I felt as though my fears all fell away.

I saw my death and my funeral, but I watched it without any sadness. My soul was so clearly alive and well, even if my body was deceased. I realized that if my soul is eternal, there is no reason to fear death, and therefore there is no reason to fear anything that leads to death. At this point, I experienced some form of an ego death, where my current identity fell away, and I became my soul.

Part 2 of my experience was when I entered into my past lives. As a Reiki Master, I had experienced glimpses of my past lives even before Acacia, but during this ceremony, they came through with immense clarity and detail. I also discovered a new past life in China that must have been buried very deep within.

In this lifetime, I saw myself running along the Great Wall of China in terrible fear, seeking to escape from someone chasing me. Unfortunately, I was captured, and put into servitude as a healer for some wealthy family. It became clear to me that I was a healer in many, many past lifetimes, and that my spiritual gift has also been a curse, leading to my enslavement.

I saw the importance of setting boundaries with my healing in this lifetime. I saw an ex from present-day who had been taking advantage of my healing and generosity and realized that it was a karmic contract from a previous lifetime that I had to break, in order to get free of him. I saw how I similarly had escaped from servitude in China, but had to cross Siberia to find freedom. I saw that I had struggled so much in previous lifetimes and that any struggles in my current life were so minimal in comparison.

Finally, Part 3 of my experience showed me my Galactic Origins. Unlike past lifetimes, this was completely new for me. At the time, I knew nothing about Starseeds or other galactic beings. But during this Acacia Ceremony, I saw myself so clearly in a non-human form. I had a gigantic blue head and was wearing a crown made of silver and light. I had blue pods as hands and the setting seemed to be a spaceship. I was being spoken to by some group of blue beings, although I could hear them more than I could see them.

At this point, I opened my eyes to discuss with a friend what I was seeing. I was in complete shock and awe and was essentially asking if she thought this was real. She happened to be much more educated on Starseed origins than I, and she impressively told me that it sounded like I was describing the Arcturian Council and their mothership. She pulled up a picture on Instagram and I was completely blown away at the similarity between the picture and the visions I saw in my mind.

The medicine woman leading the ceremony confirmed her suggestion and told me to listen to what the council had to say. She said there was a reason they came to show me this version of myself and that I must believe it is real in order for me to access even more of their wisdom. Let me point out that with my eyes open and out of my meditation, I felt very close to normal, if not just a bit loopy. It was clear that if I wanted the experience to be over, I could simply choose that by staying fully conscious.

But I gladly surrendered back to the medicine, closing my eyes again and going back into a deep meditation. I quickly found myself again on the mothership, where the council began showing me my mission. They showed me how distracted I had been in this lifetime trying to build a business and find a husband. They made me realize the insignificance of these goals in comparison to the real reason I was here on Earth.

They told me to prioritize my divine connection by staying at a high vibration to keep my channel clear. They showed me that I am meant to heal so many people with reiki and raise human consciousness by sharing Acacia. They showed me a retreat center in the jungle where I would host Acacia ceremonies to help others discover their galactic origins and divine mission.


Obviously, this experience changed my identity and my life in many ways. Many of the challenges I had been concerned with seemed so trivial after the ceremony, and I felt incredibly inspired to align with my mission. I began training with the Medicine Woman who had served me to learn to brew and serve Acacia, and the growth of my business took on a much deeper meaning. I received so much clarity that my healing practices and all the business activities that surround them are truly meant to serve humanity.

What I find most unique and incredible about Acacia is that it meets you where you are and allows you to pace yourself through the experience. If you are not ready for the medicine to expand your consciousness, no matter what dose you take, you will not have any awareness of the effects. Contrarily, if you surrender completely to the medicine and allow it to take you wherever it offers, you will have a profoundly enlightening experience. Finally, if you surrender slightly, but only allow it to take you to a certain depth of awareness, you can choose to open your eyes and come out of the trip fairly quickly.

For this reason, I highly recommend Acacia for people before trying Ayahuasca, which gives you very little control of how deep you go. Therefore, many people have difficulty integrating Ayahuasca because their new awareness is so drastically expanded it is hard to continue living as they were previously. They bit off more than they could chew, so to speak. In contrast, Acacia allows you to pace yourself and choose when you’ve seen enough or successfully fulfilled your intention for the ceremony.

Ceremony Preparation

The more a person is cleansed of low vibrations, the less purging they will experience, and the smoother and deeper their experience can be. Of course, there is nothing wrong with purging, as it is simply part of the process of clearing resistance in order to connect more deeply with higher states of consciousness.

The most important items to avoid consuming for at least 3–5 days prior to ceremony are alcohol, THC, meat, fish, dairy, iodized salt, and processed sugar. It is also encouraged to avoid natural diuretics like banana and avocado to reduce purging, and on the day of ceremony only a light smoothie should be consumed.

In order to conserve energy, it is also recommended to avoid sexual release or any stressful situations or drama for at least the day prior, as those emotions will need to be cleared in order for the medicine to work to its full potential.

Grounding is extremely important in order to clear any low vibrations and to stay connected with your human body as you journey into higher consciousness. This should occur prior to the ceremony by connecting barefoot with the Earth and through sacred Rapé, which will also help to decalcify the pineal gland in order to stimulate the natural production of DMT in your body. An Epsom Salt bath is also recommended the day before ceremony to support your body’s absorption of the medicine.

At the start of the ceremony, it is absolutely essential that an MAOI tea is served before Acacia, as this coats the lining of the stomach and prevents stomach enzymes from breaking down the DMT too quickly. Without the tea, one may have a deeper meditation than usual, but the hallucinogenic chemical reaction will not occur.

There are serious contraindications with MAOI’s and therefore it is of the upmost importance that there are no SSRI’s medications being taken by participants. The mix of SSRI’s with MAOIs could cause Serotonin Syndrome which could be fatal. Be sure to talk with your facilitator if you have recently taken SSRI’s before a ceremony for either Acacia or Ayahuasca.

I’d like to add that the experience is much more gentle than Ayahuasca, which I have sat with many times now. While I purged every time I’ve taken Ayahuasca, I did not purge at all any of the times I’ve taken Acacia. However, in most of my ceremonies, there is usually 1 or 2 participants that do purge, but usually only once or twice and then they can go much deeper into a meditative state.

If a proper cleanse is done and the person enters the ceremony at a reasonably high vibration, I believe purging is unnecessary, as the release can also be done through crying, laughing, screaming, dancing, etc. It is ideal if the ceremony space is filled with high vibrations that may come from musical instruments, singing, nature, flowers, burning sacred herbs, crystals, an altar, etc.

I am so grateful to have found Acacia and to be able to share this magical plant medicine with others on my international spiritual retreats. For more information, please visit



Perri Michelle

Teacher, writer, entrepreneur and digital nomad. Sharing my experiences dating, traveling and living abroad to help others discover a lifestyle of freedom.