Persie Parker
4 min readJan 6, 2024


2024 Tarot Card Reading

Photo by Susanna Marsiglia on Unsplash

January: Six of Pentacles Reversed

A sense of lack is lingering over you. You feel you have signed over your time for something less than worth it. Make sure in your effort to reclaim your life, your intentions when dealing with others remains pure. Especially in the realms of money and gift giving.

February: Eight of Swords Reversed

You've been keeping yourself in the victim mentality when the situation that has harmed you has long since passed. The emotional and mental bonds that come with that are finally coming loose, allowing you to move on with your life with eyes open. Your prison has been mental, and so you are free whenever you choose to be.

March: Queen of Cups

Allow any nurturing that comes your way to be accepted. Maybe motherly love has been something to fear up to this point, but not anymore. Your story deserves to be heard by someone with an empathetic ear. You are usually the nurturer; it is your turn to be nurtured.

April: King of Cups

Having your story told in safety has the possibility to give you mastery over some of your emotional tides. You can ride the waves of your feelings without drowning in them. Maybe it seems you're "suffering mood swings" to others, but there's a good chance you're just able to express yourself emotionally and move on…



Persie Parker

22|Engaged|Astrologer|Poet|Dark Fiction|Horror|Queer|Witch|He/It