Life-Lessons I Learned From Lipstick

And I need to tell my daughters.

Zita Fontaine
The Glossary
Published in
7 min readApr 29, 2019


Photo by Dids from Pexels

I was close to 40 when I bought my first red lipstick. I had always thought it was just not for me, that I don’t need to show off. And I was afraid to be seen as someone who is trying to look younger than her age. Or someone who is slutty. I thought I was too old for this. Like I felt too old to start a new sport, to finally achieve a healthy weight or to start writing.

None of that is true, and I had to learn the hard way.

I have three beautiful daughters. It’s great! But it is a huge responsibility to raise them as a single mum, and still teach them everything they need to hear from me. They should learn it the easy way.

Here’s the list of things I want to teach my daughters about life that I learned from using lipstick:

#1 You are never too old to start something new

I started to use lipstick very late, I’ve never done it as a little girl, and then I felt too old for it. Until I got older and I didn’t.

In life, there is no expiration date for our heart’s desire. Sure, it is better to start dancing at the age of three if you want to become a professional dancer. It is easier. But nothing can stop you from beginning dancing at a later point in…



Zita Fontaine
The Glossary

Writer. Dreamer. Hopeless romantic. Newsletter: Email me: zitafontaine (at) gmail