6 Essential Skills for Landing a DevOps Job in 2024

Perspective Mentor
10 min readDec 20, 2023

While conducting interviews with DevOps candidates ranging from 2 to 10+ years of experience over the past 10 years, I have observed that some individuals lack some core important skills essential for DevOps roles. Here, I am compiling all the core skills needed to enter the field of DevOps, from junior to lead roles in 2024.

In the fast-evolving world of technology, DevOps professionals play a crucial role in shaping how software is developed, delivered, and maintained. As we step into the year 2024, the demand for skilled DevOps experts is soaring higher than ever. Companies are actively seeking individuals who possess the right mix of technical prowess and collaborative spirit to drive their development processes forward.

In this article, we’ll delve into the dynamic landscape of the DevOps job market in 2024. We’ll explore the key skills that will not only make you stand out as a candidate but also empower you to thrive in this exciting and ever-changing field.

DevOps Process (Image Source Wikipedia)

Skill #1: Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

In the field of DevOps, Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) is like the heartbeat that keeps software development alive and kicking. It’s all about automating the processes of building, testing, and deploying code changes. Let’s dive into the first skill that can set you apart in 2024: mastering CI/CD.

Understanding Jenkins:

One powerful tool that stands tall in the CI/CD landscape is Jenkins. Think of Jenkins as a tireless assistant that takes care of repetitive tasks in software development. It automates the integration of code changes from multiple contributors, runs tests to ensure everything works smoothly, and deploys the application if everything checks out.

Jenkins works seamlessly with various programming languages, version control systems (like Git), and numerous plugins. Its flexibility and extensive community support make it a go-to choice for many development teams.

Alternative Tools for CI/CD:

While Jenkins is a rockstar in the CI/CD world, it’s not the only player on the stage. Several alternative tools cater to different preferences and project requirements:

  1. GitLab CI/CD: If you’re already using GitLab for version control, its built-in CI/CD capabilities offer a cohesive experience.
  2. Travis CI: Ideal for projects hosted on GitHub, Travis CI is known for its straightforward setup and integration.
  3. CircleCI: With a focus on simplicity and speed, CircleCI automates the software delivery process, ensuring quick and reliable builds.
  4. GitHub Actions: Integrated into GitHub, GitHub Actions allows you to define workflows for your CI/CD needs directly within your repository.

Remember, the key is not just to know one tool but to understand the CI/CD principles and be adaptable to different tools. This skill ensures that your development process is not only efficient but also reliable, setting the stage for success in the ever-evolving DevOps landscape.

Skill #2: Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Picture this: you have a magic wand that lets you conjure up servers, networks, and entire infrastructure with just a few lines of code. That’s the essence of Infrastructure as Code (IaC), a powerful skill that transforms manual infrastructure management into an automated, code-driven process.

Understanding Terraform:

Meet Terraform, the wizard of IaC. Terraform is like a master architect for your digital world. With Terraform, you describe your infrastructure needs in a simple, human-readable language, and it works its magic to create and manage the resources. Whether it’s cloud servers, databases, or networks, Terraform supports a vast array of providers, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

Terraform uses a declarative syntax, meaning you define what you want, and Terraform figures out how to make it happen. This makes it easy to understand and maintain your infrastructure code, fostering collaboration and consistency across your team.

Alternative Tools for IaC:

While Terraform is a leading player, there are other tools in the IaC toolbox, each with its strengths:

  1. AWS CloudFormation: If you’re heavily invested in the AWS ecosystem, CloudFormation lets you describe and provision AWS infrastructure in a template.
  2. Ansible: Known for its simplicity, Ansible uses a procedural language to define infrastructure configurations and automation tasks.
  3. Pulumi: Unlike traditional IaC tools, Pulumi allows you to use familiar programming languages like Python and TypeScript to define and deploy infrastructure.
  4. Chef and Puppet: These configuration management tools can also be used for IaC, providing a different approach to infrastructure automation.

Remember, mastering IaC is like having a blueprint for your digital kingdom. Whether you choose Terraform or another tool, the ability to manage infrastructure through code is a game-changer in the world of DevOps.

Skill #3: Cloud Computing Platforms

In the vast landscape of DevOps, cloud computing platforms are the towering pillars that empower developers to build, deploy, and scale applications with ease. Understanding these platforms is a fundamental skill for anyone venturing into the world of DevOps in 2024.

Understanding AWS:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is like the giant library of cloud services. It offers a various computing power, storage options, and services that cater to diverse needs. Whether you’re hosting a website, running machine learning algorithms, or managing databases, AWS has got you covered.

AWS provides a pay-as-you-go model, meaning you only pay for the resources you consume. This scalability and flexibility make it a popular choice for startups and enterprises alike. From virtual servers (EC2) to data storage (S3) and serverless computing (Lambda), AWS is a one-stop-shop for cloud services.

Alternative Cloud Platforms:

While AWS is a leader in the cloud domain, there are other prominent players, each with its strengths:

  1. Microsoft Azure: Azure seamlessly integrates with Microsoft technologies, making it a preferred choice for organizations already invested in the Microsoft ecosystem.
  2. Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Known for its robust data analytics and machine learning services, GCP is favored by businesses with a focus on data-intensive applications.
  3. IBM Cloud: IBM’s cloud offerings are recognized for their enterprise-level solutions, especially in areas like hybrid cloud and AI.
  4. Oracle Cloud: Tailored for businesses relying on Oracle databases, Oracle Cloud provides a comprehensive suite of cloud services.

Understanding the nuances of different cloud platforms ensures that you can adapt to the specific requirements of your projects. In the dynamic world of DevOps, the ability to harness the power of the cloud is a key ingredient for success. Whether you’re soaring with AWS or exploring alternatives, the cloud is where the future of DevOps takes flight.

Skill #4: Containerization and Orchestration

Imagine packaging your application and all its dependencies into a neat, portable box that can run anywhere — welcome to the world of containerization. Containerization, coupled with orchestration, is a vital skill that brings consistency and scalability to the deployment of applications in the DevOps universe.

Understanding Docker:

Meet Docker, the superhero of containerization. Docker allows you to encapsulate your application, along with its libraries and dependencies, into a lightweight container. These containers ensure that your application runs consistently across different environments, from your laptop to production servers.

Docker containers are like little self-sufficient units, making it easy to ship, deploy, and scale applications. With Docker, you can wave goodbye to the infamous “it works on my machine” issue, as containers eliminate inconsistencies between development and production environments.

Kubernetes: The Orchestrator:

Now, imagine managing not just one container but an entire fleet of them. That’s where Kubernetes comes in. Kubernetes is like the traffic controller for your containers, ensuring they run seamlessly, scale when needed, and recover from failures.

Kubernetes orchestrates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It automates tasks like load balancing, rolling updates, and fault tolerance, making it a cornerstone for building resilient, cloud-native applications.

Alternative Tools for Containerization and Orchestration:

While Docker and Kubernetes are powerhouse tools, other options cater to different preferences:

  1. Podman: An alternative to Docker, Podman focuses on providing a daemonless, rootless container engine, making it a lightweight option for certain use cases.
  2. OpenShift: Built on top of Kubernetes, OpenShift adds additional developer and operational tools, streamlining the containerization and orchestration process.
  3. Docker Swarm: If you’re already comfortable with Docker, Docker Swarm offers a built-in orchestration solution for smaller-scale applications.
  4. Nomad: Developed by HashiCorp, Nomad is a simple and flexible orchestration tool suitable for both microservices and monolithic applications.

Mastering containerization and orchestration is like having a superpower to deploy and manage applications with efficiency and scalability. Whether you go with Docker and Kubernetes or explore alternatives, the containerization and orchestration duo is a must-have in your DevOps toolkit.

Skill #5: Monitoring, Alerting, and Logging Stacks

In the DevOps universe, knowing what’s happening under the hood of your applications and infrastructure is crucial. Monitoring, alerting, and logging stacks are the guardians that keep a watchful eye, ensuring everything runs smoothly and jumping into action when issues arise.

Understanding Prometheus:

Prometheus is like the vigilant detective in your DevOps toolkit. It specializes in monitoring and alerting, keeping tabs on various aspects of your systems, from performance metrics to the health of your applications. Prometheus operates on a pull-based model, collecting data from targets and storing it for analysis.

Grafana: Visualizing the Insights:

Now that you have the data, Grafana steps in as the artist, turning raw metrics into beautiful, interactive dashboards. Grafana is a visualization platform that integrates seamlessly with Prometheus and other data sources. It allows you to create dashboards that offer a visual representation of your system’s performance, making it easier to identify trends and anomalies.

Alert Manager and PagerDuty: Sounding the Alarm:

When Prometheus detects an issue, it can communicate with Alert Manager to trigger alerts. Alert Manager is like your personal notification assistant, ensuring that the right people are informed when something goes awry. PagerDuty, on the other hand, takes alerting to the next level by providing on-call schedules, escalation policies, and incident tracking.

ELK Stack: Logging Intelligence:

In the world of logging, the ELK Stack reigns supreme. ELK stands for Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. Elasticsearch is the search and analytics engine, Logstash processes and ships logs, and Kibana visualizes and manages the logs. Together, they form a powerful trio that allows you to collect, analyze, and visualize log data from your applications and systems.

Alternative Tools for Monitoring, Alerting, and Logging:

While the mentioned tools are popular, there are alternative options that cater to diverse needs:

  1. InfluxDB and Telegraf: InfluxDB, coupled with Telegraf, offers a scalable and flexible platform for collecting and visualizing time-series data.
  2. New Relic: Known for its application performance monitoring, New Relic provides comprehensive insights into the performance of your applications.
  3. Graylog: An open-source alternative to ELK, Graylog centralizes and analyzes log data for better visibility.
  4. Opsgenie: Acquired by Atlassian, Opsgenie enhances alerting and incident response with features like on-call schedules and alert escalations.

Understanding the intricacies of monitoring, alerting, and logging is like having a crystal ball for your DevOps infrastructure. Whether you choose Prometheus and Grafana or explore alternatives, these tools ensure you stay ahead of issues and keep your systems running smoothly.

Skill #6: Cloud Security, Security Best Practices, Security Tools

In the digital landscape, where data is a treasure, securing the cloud is paramount. Cloud security encompasses the practices, tools, and measures put in place to safeguard data, applications, and infrastructure hosted in the cloud. Let’s delve into this crucial skill and explore the tools and best practices that fortify the cloud against potential threats.

Understanding Cloud Security:

Cloud security involves protecting data, applications, and infrastructure from unauthorized access, breaches, and other cyber threats. It encompasses a range of practices, from identity and access management to encryption and monitoring. As organizations increasingly migrate to the cloud, understanding and implementing robust cloud security measures become vital.

Security Best Practices:

Implementing security best practices is like building an impenetrable fortress around your cloud resources. Some key practices include:

  1. Identity and Access Management (IAM): Define and manage who has access to what within your cloud environment.
  2. Encryption: Encrypt sensitive data both in transit and at rest to ensure it remains confidential and secure.
  3. Regular Audits and Monitoring: Keep a vigilant eye on your cloud environment, conduct regular audits, and set up monitoring to detect and respond to security incidents promptly.
  4. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Add an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide multiple forms of identification.

Security Tools:

Securing the cloud involves using specialized tools designed to identify, prevent, and respond to security threats. Here are some essential security tools:

  1. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM): AWS IAM enables you to control access to AWS services and resources securely.
  2. Azure Security Center: Microsoft’s Azure Security Center provides advanced threat protection across all your Azure workloads.
  3. Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) Tools: Solutions like Palo Alto Prisma Cloud or AWS Config help maintain a secure posture by continuously monitoring configurations.
  4. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Tools: Tools like Splunk or Sumo Logic help centralize and analyze security event logs.

Alternative Security Tools:

Diverse security tools cater to specific needs and preferences:

  1. Netskope: A cloud security platform that protects data and ensures compliance across cloud services.
  2. CrowdStrike: Known for its endpoint protection, CrowdStrike offers cloud-native security solutions.
  3. Qualys Cloud Platform: A comprehensive security and compliance platform that provides vulnerability management and policy compliance.
  4. HashiCorp Vault: Focuses on secrets management and data protection, ensuring secure access to sensitive information.

Mastering cloud security and staying abreast of the latest security tools and best practices is akin to being the guardian of a digital stronghold. Whether you choose the tools aligned with your cloud provider or explore alternative solutions, robust cloud security is a non-negotiable skill in the ever-evolving landscape of DevOps.


Now you know the skills or tools that are needed for DevOps to get into DevOps or if you are planning to excel in your existing DevOps journey. Plan, Learn and rise with flying colors' in 2024. Happy Learning!

Next Steps: DevOps Mentorship Program:

We are leading industry experts from India, with over 15 years of experience in the software industry. We mentor young graduates or experienced individuals looking to enter or excel in DevOps roles. Our next mentorship batch begins in January 2024, covering all the points mentioned above at an affordable cost. Please visit https://perspectivementor.com to learn more about our mentor and program. Thank you, and happy learning!



Perspective Mentor

Solutions Architect skilled in Java, Spring, Kafka, Elasticsearch, Vault, Docker, Kubernetes, AI, AWS, GCP & Security. Educator @ https://perspectivementor.com