Master Your Mind with Monk Mode

Pervin Shaikh
4 min readOct 3, 2023

I’ve been seeing #monkmode doing the rounds on social media, which got me thinking.

I’m not advocating that we all meditate on a mountaintop. That’s impractical. I’m sure Monks do much more than sitting in seclusion for hours, meditating or sitting still.

However, we can learn valuable tips to help us deal with our busy, 24/7, connected and hyperactive world.

What Is A Monk Brain?

It’s a mindset or mental state of inner calm, tranquillity and harmony. You can’t flick on a switch and turn on the ‘Monk Brain’ whenever you feel like it, but the good news is that it can be developed with some effort and practice.

Monks spend significant time in meditation, honing their ability to keep their minds steady and centred. This skill applies to their meditation practice and permeates all aspects of their lives, allowing them to approach tasks with single-minded attention and dedication.

Through consistent meditation, monks aim to calm the mind, develop concentration, and gain insight into the nature of reality. This mental discipline allows them to transcend everyday worries and concerns, leading to…



Pervin Shaikh

Executive Coach who’s passionate in helping others shine.