Why Are We Angry At Work?

Pervin Shaikh
4 min readNov 17, 2023

It seems a lot of people are angry at work. According to a survey, one in 5 people are angry at work. Why are people angry? There are lots of reasons, including:

  • Unfair Treatment: Employees often become angry if they feel they’re being mistreated, whether in terms of workload, pay, promotions, or other workplace practices.
  • Work Overload: High workloads, tight deadlines, and pressure to perform can lead to stress and anger.
  • Poor Management: Ineffective, uncommunicative, or unsupportive management can lead to frustration and anger among employees.
  • Lack of Recognition: Not receiving acknowledgement or appreciation for hard work can make employees feel undervalued and angry.
  • Workplace Conflict: Disputes with colleagues or management can lead to ongoing tension and anger.
  • Lack of Autonomy: Limited control over work tasks or methods can be frustrating and demoralising, leading to anger.
  • Poor Working Conditions: Uncomfortable, unsafe, or unhealthy working environments can cause dissatisfaction and anger.
  • Job Insecurity: Fear of layoffs or job loss can create a stressful environment, often resulting in anger.
  • Personal Issues: Sometimes, external factors like emotional problems or stress can manifest as…



Pervin Shaikh

Executive Coach who’s passionate in helping others shine.