Top 6 Dangerous Spiders In Australia

3 min readAug 23, 2022


Australian spiders are quite popular worldwide; nearly 3,000 species of spiders are crawling in the region. Australia is considered as one of the popular countries for spider infestation, you can easily spot various species of spiders with different shapes, colors and sizes in this country, some of the spiders from Australia are listed as the most deadly and toxic in the world. Majority of the spiders are nontoxic and harmless and most of them will not bite. Unlike the bed bugs, fleas and mosquitoes, the spiders attack only for the defense purpose.

The spider bite symptoms include minor rashes or itching. Apart from the harmless and poor creatures, there are some deadly spiders, which can cause serious effects to the victims and need immediate first aid for the spider bites. Some spider bites even require emergency treatment and observation. Contact Cheap Pest Control Brisbane for remove the spiders from house.

Spider Control Brisbane

Here are the top 6 most dangerous spiders in Australia:

  • Funnel-web spider

This spider is the deadliest and toxic spiders in the world. The funnel web spiders are very destructive when they are in an endangered stage. They carry most dangerous toxins it is very dangerous when one touch or try to hurt this spider. They make their shelter in humid places and they easily enter into the home when they are looking for the mates.

  • Red back spider

These spiders make their shelter in the dry places including the post boxes, garden sheds, closets etc. female spiders are most dangerous compared to the males, as their bites are very toxic. As their name indicates these spiders are identified through the red stripes on the back of their body.

  • White tail spider

These spiders are hunters and wanderers which are very active during the nights. These spiders are found in the natural and urban locations, preferably cool and mist locations such as garden. These spiders are dark red or grey with orange colored legs.

  • Mouse spiders

Mouse spiders live in burrows and near the water places. These spiders have pronounced compact, huge fang sheaths at the head and squat. Most of the people get confused between the funnel web spiders and mouse spiders but these two are entirely different with the appearance and nature. These spiders are very active during the daytime and not nocturnal as like other spider species.

  • Blackhouse spiders

These spiders especially prefer dry areas to make their shelters such as eaves, gutters, windows, and sheds. They are very much attracted to the electric lights and their favorite foods are insects.

  • Wolf spider

These are the shy type spiders and they prefer to hide in the burrows. They are the ground dwellers and often love to cover in the leaf litter and in the garden regions.

Spider Control and Prevention Tips

Whether you care, fear or not, it is very important to take preventive measures to control or eliminate the spiders completely from your property. Here are some of the important Spider Control Brisbane and prevention tips.

  • Maintain your home in a proper way and clear the clutters and debris immediately when you spot them
  • Do not leave boxes on the floors
  • Vacuum your home on regular basis and remove the spider webs
  • Identify the gaps, cracks, and holes in the entry points of the house and seal them

Contact the Spider Control Professional Service to keep your home free from the spiders and to have ultimate protection.

