Part VI — Freedom & Liberty.

48 min readNov 13, 2021


Compared to its European counterparts, Australia was for the most part spared the rise of powerful extreme right movements, and at times appeared immune to their appeal. However, rather than immunity, the absence of extreme right politics can be explained by the ability and willingness of mainstream politics to readily, openly, and officially absorb such values.

- Andy Fleming and Aurelien Mondon, The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right, Edited by Jens Rydgren, Oxford University Press, 2018



So really if you are into this or even kind of paying attention to this it does just seem like Avi Yemini is just doing his thing and reporting on events that align with his views. But then he just randomly moved from doing videos for his Youtube channel and TR news (Tommy Robinson News) to being the Australian head of Rebel News. Still seems innocent enough until, as we went over earlier, you realise that Rebel News is used as a tool for these exact Cambridge Analytica operations. It is documented that it has been paid money from the Mercer Foundation to create fake news to aid their campaigns and was responsible for all that talk a few years ago about Europe being overrun with Muslims which was all part of the Cambridge Analytica mindf*ck to support Brexit and Donald Trump. CARR (Center for the Analysis of the Radical Right) also claims Rebel News is backed by Mercer. It’s suspicious, but still not definitive. Yeah, Avi is shared every step of the way in the online groups but he isn’t actually posting himself. Unless he is Era Goberman which there is every chance he could be but that aside, it’s hard to link him to this. Even though he also appears to know when and where every single protest or little stunt is going to happen.

Well these new Rebel News people that have popped up in Sydney and are doing the same fearmongering there trying to start their own movements and they recently made no effort to hide that they were central to the protests there.

But someone who is very much at the core of all this is Monica Smits boyfriend Morgan C Jonas. So what’s his story? Well it’s hard to background him, seems like he came out of nowhere and was just around the group and then launched ‘The MCJ Report’ as part of this extended disinformation network around November 2020. His first big piece of ‘journalism’ was called ‘Don’t Get Tested’. With a really over the top fear-mongering intro put together by none other than Real Rukshan.

In it he explains how he held an anti-Dan Andrews, anti-China rally back in 2019. This rally was promoted by Avi Yemeni at the time in a now deleted post that still has an imprint on google. (sorry about the colouring in these shots, I ripped them from a video I made because I'm lazy)

At the rally was Bernie Finn and Ed Donahue from the Victorian Liberals.

Digging around a bit further I found this footage from a pro-Israel counter rally held in 2018 and covered by the website The Unshackled where Morgan spoke alongside Avi Yemeni.

This was put on by the Australian Liberty Alliance.

In an interview with Yemini after the rally he can clearly be seen in the background packing up all the equipment. This tells me he is just as involved with the ALA as Yemini is.

What is the Australian Liberty Alliance?

ALA is a far right, anti-Muslim political party who in 2019 re-branded to Yellow Vests Australia.

I found this screenshot from the Yellow Vest Alliance Facebook group in a YouTube video, taken 26 Feb 2019.

This is how they describe themselves.

Then if go down to the groups files on the landing page we see this.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was the basis of the Nazis distaste for the Jews.

Weird that Avi would be involved in pushing that but he has loudly proclaimed he is the ‘Worlds proudest Nazi Jew’. Plus anyway, Nazis these days hate Muslims and through that whole ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ mentality they seem to have formed a tight alliance with the kind of 2nd or 3rd generation Jewish billionaire types. Once you start looking at where a lot of the money comes from in this whole Alt-Right movement and the think tanks involved there is no denying that reality.

Yellow Vest alliance is described as ‘the political arm of the Q society’.

To quote Wikipedia

‘The Q Society of Australia Inc. was a far-right, Islamophobic and homophobic organisation that opposed Muslim immigration and the presence of Muslims in Australian society.[1][2] Q Society described itself as “Australia’s leading Islam-critical organisation”[3] and stated that its purpose was to fight against the “Islamisation of Australia”.[4] The Q Society was so named because it was founded at a meeting in the Melbourne suburb of Kew in 2010.[5]

The Q Society. Named after the suburb Kew. Tim Smith and Josh Frydenbergs electorate. Right.

It goes on to say

‘Several prominent members and supporters of Q Society are current or former members of the Liberal–National Coalition including Cory Bernardi, George Christensen, Angry Anderson and Ross Cameron.[32] Bernardi and Christensen were criticised for speaking at the Q Society fundraising event in February 2017, an event which protesters called racist.[22]

Kirralie Smith and Debbie Robinson, both members of the Q Society, were founding members of the far-right political party Australian Liberty Alliance (now called Yellow Vest Australia). Smith was an ALA Senate candidate for New South Wales at the 2016 federal election.[33] At that election the party also endorsed former National Party candidate Angry Anderson as its candidate for the Senate representing New South Wales.[34][35] On 7 April 2017, Smith, still a member of the Q Society, joined the Australian Conservatives.[36][37]

This was obviously written a few years ago. You know who the NSW senate candidate was for the Australian Conservatives in 2019?

Riccardo Bosi

This also explains how these guys seem to have a direct line to George Christensen.

The Q Society has ‘officially’ dissolved, claiming a lack of funding. Well you would probably want to get rid of the Q anyway as it is way too obvious these days. But I know a guy whose values align politically who might have a few bucks around to throw them..


Parallel to everything we have looked at so far is the Freedom Rallies. It’s hard to say exactly what was going on with them and who exactly was behind the rallies in the beginning, but we can do our best to piece together the story from news reports and what we can dig up in the Facebook groups that remain after the main groups were purged from Facebook last year. Here I will attempt to lay the Freedom Rallies out on a timeline so we can look at all the stuff happening around them. We have gone over the main pillars that support this movement in previous parts but there are plenty more people that are key to this that we haven’t covered, I will do a little backgrounder on people as they come up. It might get a bit overwhelming but you can think of the following timeline as a data dump for us to make sense of later.

We saw the first protests being organised pretty much straight away.

The first protest, as far as I can tell, was on the 7th of April in Brisbane, organised by Arjay Martin. Arjay is an aspiring politician from Rod Culleton’s The Great Australian Party, based in the Gold Coast. He has been running as an independent in the QLD state elections since 2013 and was gearing up to run in 2020 for The Great Australian Party but dropped out just before the election.

This is a copypaste call out for the protest that can be found on Reddit. It states..

“ Hi, an application for an Authorised Protest / Political Rally will be lodged with the police if there is much interest. This enables participants to get bonus protections; especially during these illegal Lock-down times.

The rally includes:

a. End the Lock-down (which is destroying freedom & liberty, Australia, Australians, and the Western World — luckily for Africa they have some smart politicians like Tanzanian President, Dr John Magufuli, a doctor of chemistry who proved that the test kits throw out random false positives. It is continuing to destroy our economy, and lives, around Australia and elsewhere. Maybe we should listen more to President Dr Magafuli, rather than a non-elected ‘computer nerd’ who has been involved with claims of patent infringement, anti-trust actions, the Millennium Bug scam… and is NOT a medical doctor. Now he wants Certificate of Vaccination ID implemented, rushed through vaccines, world population reduction and to control a database on every person in the world with ID2020/CoVID/etc.);

b. ensure that law is constitutionally valid;

c. Pro freedom of choice for medications (e.g. want a vaccine or fluoride; do it, don’t want them, don’t do it — medicine should never be coercive, requires free and fully informed consent, and mandatory medicine is unconstitutional. Your body, your choice & your child’s body, your choice);

d. pro vaccine safety testing, so those that wish to partake have safer medication (e.g. screening for stealth adapted viruses, zoonotic viruses, etc. E.g. Simian Virus 40, Simian Cytomegalovirus, Murine Leukaemia Related Viruses, etc. Let’s see less vaccine-injured people for those who partake);

e. Pro Australian manufacturing / Pro Australian Jobs (we should strive for autarky (self-sufficiency) for many reasons, including jobs, product safety, defence reasons, legal remedies when things go wrong, value-adding here, etc.);

f. Packaging label reform (what is the use of a label that says ‘made from imported and local ingredients, when it doesn’t say where those ingredients are from. This is particularly so with China and SARS, CoViD-19, Hepatitis in berries, etc. There is supposed to be a scam where produce imported from New Zealand can be labelled as being Kiwi, despite being imported from elsewhere (often China) and passed off as being ‘Kiwi’);

g. Pre technology implementation safety testing / safety testing on existing ‘suspect’ technology (emerging technologies are being rushed to market, with no to little testing; sure, we all want faster internet and to ‘get back to normal’, but at what cost? Australia has out own medical experts such as Dr Charlie Teo, who has given testimony — as an expert witness — to mobile phone usage and brain cancer behind the ear of the dominant hand of heavy mobile phone users, as well as the rampant bullying and suppression of information within the medical industry);

h. stop selling / 99 year leasing Australia to foreign interests (especially ones that are controlled by foreign governments e.g. China, and those that do not allow foreigners to own any of their lands or majority own business in their countries e.g. China and Japan);

i. remove suppression orders that are in the interests of Australian (review current ’99 year suppression orders’ and release what is in the public’s interest, weighing probative with prejudicial values in a measured way. Unfortunately, there are many suppression orders that may well be inappropriate, especially related to corruption and sexual offences against children;

j. for the creation of a new Federal and State based political party to do our darnedest to RESET Parliament (that instead of ‘binding members’ on policy, which I submit is illegal, picks candidates who appear to be good people, from a variety of backgrounds… essentially combining the benefits of both Independents and Parties, without the disadvantages of both — organisational ompf to get things done, with politicians representing your interests instead of their Party’s & lobbyists interest. Ultimately, it is the most effective way to fix the law, to take over the legislature);

k. initiating steps for legal action against invalid / unconstitutional laws (starting with the prima facie illegal Lock-down laws, ‘CoViD restriction fines’, internal border restrictions, arbitrary whims of politicians and bureaucrats that see small and medium businesses shut down as being ‘non-essential’, yet magically the mega corporations declared ‘essential’ which is doubly corrupted in that large retailed have many people in them and therefore a greater chance to spread disease — later on we can look at repealing the unlawful Australia Acts, etc ;) ).

l. end the censorship by social media companies (they should allow all people the freedom of non-violent/non-defamatory speech, especially when have protections against law suits for being ‘platforms, not publishers’); &

m. network and befriend good people (especially during this government imposed anti-social society of late — who knows, you might find lifelong connections — platonic or otherwise…).

We plan on holding weekly rallies, in a peaceful manner, until the restrictions are lifted, at various locations. Violent behaviour will not be tolerated, which presumably would come only from Agents Provocateur, really stupid people, ‘Useful Idiots’ as Yuri Bezmenov called them, people goaded into it by violence from others, or those trying to discredit the cause of liberty & freedom of choice.

Let’s make this one a big one so that we can see that we aren’t wasting our efforts on an apathetic people. Family and friends are welcome, from children to senior citizens.

The plan for Perth is to be decided. It’ll possibly involve Parliament, Government House, and the Supreme Court, maybe the King’s Park/Botanical Gardens?

From then on, in the weeks to come, there will be roving protests/rallies.

There may be street interviews, speeches, & possibly a little entertainment — depending on interest.

For improving society there is no better time than the present — no worse time, than ‘later’. She won’t ‘be right, mate’, until we make it so!

Will you please help?

Please share this in all the groups, on your wall, invite people via PM, E-mail, post, Word of Mouth, SMS, video, etc


BYO food and drink, and please don’t leave a mess.

Practising ‘social distancing’ too

Thank you kindly, Arjay Martin.

This was followed by the first Freedom Rally in the USA on the 19th of April.

There was one held in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane on the 10th of May. This was reported on by the ABC.

Two men were arrested as organisers of the protest.

One was Fanos Panayides.

This is the other guy, his name is Craig Cole but he also goes by ‘Pitbull’.

Craig Cole is the Victorian State Co-Ordinator for Ricardo Bosi’s Australia One party.

Also behind the organising of the protest was Letisha Malakooti, she owns a company called Black Sheep Cyber a digital marketing company, or a ‘specialist paid ads agency’ as it states on their website. She live streamed the protest.

Look who is there ‘covering the event’ with her baby.

Mrs Adam and Weave barber shop Jomana Najem.

According to Raph and Fanos when re-telling the story to each other on their podcasts, at this protest Fanos met Raphael Fernandez and they stayed in touch. Just an observation listening to these guys speaking to each other on podcasts is that although Fanos was arrested as a protest organiser, when speaking about it to each other they speak as if he just went to the protest and was arrested. Which tells me that either the cops and media got it wrong and framed him or there is reason to suspect their story might not be as legit as they say.

Also, listening to more of Raph’s conversations (which is really hard to do) the story actually changes and he says he approached Fanos online and asked to help moderate his FB group, 99% Unite. Both their personal pages were banned from Facebook in July.

There was another protest on the 30th of May. This was held by ‘Wake Up Australia’

But we had we opened back up so the general public wasn’t too interested anymore and the noise calmed down.

Pretty much as soon as Melbourne went into lockdown for the second time though things started heating up. The period from July — September could be thought of as the incubation period for the Freedom Rally movement. Looking through we see a mixture of people all trying to get something going, the difference this time is these people aren’t your fringe dwelling conspiracy types like earlier.

Well, that is except for Becky here. We’ve seen her before. I blanked out her name earlier because I thought she was just a random Qanon nutter and she may well be but it turns out she features a bit more than just on the first few posts from End The Lockdown Australia.

We weren’t even in proper lockdown yet and Becky was already protesting. If we have a closer look at her activity in the group it seems she was also posting just plain fear mongering stuff constantly. The first grab was taken on a recent journey through the group and the other shots were taken in October 2020 hence the different surname and profile pic but it is the same account.

I really want to say she is just a passionate citizen that is ill-informed but I picked 3 random accounts behind some of the initial activity that stood out in this group, one was Donald Blake, the other was that guy that works in data analytics and systems in the defense industry and then the other was Becky here. I had no idea who any of them were at the time.

When she talks about things it seems to me that she speaks like she is familiar with these government departments. All the spelling is correct, grammar and punctuation. She is educated, you can tell the difference between her and other random people posting in these groups.

As you can see below, she is spreading stuff from ‘Voice for Victoria’. On it from very early on. Doesn’t really mean anything but still shows she is in the loop from the start.

Sifting through my screenshots, another provocateur that stands out in these groups was this guy who literally only made these few posts and one comment early on, trying to get people to go stick up for a Liberal MP, blatant fear-mongering and pumping up / introducing people to Rachel Baxendale.

He’s a Real Estate guy and runs this website.

Plus your IPA / Victoria Forward trolls constantly pushing their narrative throughout. You can spot them from the overlay on their profile pic with the ‘Free Victoria’ graphic, also they just post memes and if they comment it is really overly aggressive.

Worth noting that this Free Victoria overlay originally had the Victoria Forward branding and Reignite Democracy but changed to just Reignite Democracy at some point.

It seems obviously ridiculous but don’t underestimate the power of the affect heuristic on people encouraged to ignore official news sources and then being fed this messaging all day every day while stuck in lockdown. Something else to note on this one is the focus on Anastacia Palaszczuk, we saw that in the early memes from the Dictator Dan groups as well.

From July 24 we have

Reignite Democracy springs up, looking to hold a protest but also as the same time making it clear that they do not want to have anything to do with protests.

Digital Warfare is created and a large and highly active group is created away from Facebook where people are instructed to comment on various news articles or other comment sections (Google reviews of Dan Andrews included) and unleash their hyperbole. Presumably it was mostly to remind everyone of the 800 people Dan Andrews killed at every opportunity.

Real Rukshan appears across various platforms ready to offer his analysis of every media report on the movement and cherry pick his own footage from live streaming everything they do to show how the media ‘lies’. Also conveniently produce any video stuff they do that is more than just a phone stream.

Voice for Victoria is created.

Donald Blake is created.

Marty Focker launches his YouTube channel (now deleted) with a video of himself being arrested without a mask. The Daily Mail writes a story about it.

Avi Yemini stops using his website.

Snapshot from the web archive of Avis website on the 02 of March, 2021

The next week Monica was already organising a protest, this one being ‘the first ever’ livestream protest.

She had a very clear objective

It was a hit and she kept up the momentum by organising another one straight away.

This protest was being promoted by the other admin of Daniel Andrews Resignation, Jo Bo.

If any account here is Edward Bourke of Vic Forward I would be putting my money on Jo Bo. There is some other possibilities, but I just get the Bourke vibes.

At the same time we have some people over on End The Lockdowns Australia also plotting the best way to do an effective protest. This includes the aim of incorporating all views in order to get numbers.

Notice Becky there keen from the get go. No surprises there.

I know we’ve backed over this stuff a few times now but it is important.

Reignite Democracy starts a nightly show on Facebook to replace the commonly watched news program ‘The Project’ which over time morphs in to a longer form podcast type discussion thing called Discernable, then Morgan C Jonas appears with the MCJ report to provide ‘Investigative Journalism’ so these people who don’t watch the mainstream media and are fed lies and conspiracy theories all day can feel like they are well informed about how getting a PCR test means the Chinese Government owns your DNA.

They think of Dan Andrews as this bumbling fool of a caricature in the countless memes they see every time they open their phone. Meme pages spring up that literally just put words in his mouth and to these people he may as well just be saying it. Imagery of Nazis and cancer inducing vaccines are mixed in with all this in this cesspool of Qanon-laden, Trump loving fear-mongering across this vast network of Facebook groups each with thousands of members, all coming from an understood baseline reality that covid is a scam.

Leading up to this the rhetoric coming from Sky News could most easily be described as a step toward this and this period of time was the most views Sky News had ever had.

Once this swung in to action they very much fed off of each other.

There was more characters adding to the different layers of stuff going on, Lizzy Rose and the kids in tunnels, Serene Teffaha and her class action, G&B lawyers telling people they don’t have to wear masks and so much more. I’ve included some of the extra stuff in this timeline montage on Youtube.

It was pulled from YouTube within an hour for ‘Medical Misinformation’ despite containing no medical misinformation.

Wondering why Melbourne was disproportionally hit with Covid and lockdowns? There’s your answer.

Along with this you have what appears to be some sporadic anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-whatever groups trying to do the same. While you can safely label the group we are looking at as the ‘right wing’ side of things, you could call the anti-vax stuff the ’left wing’ side. Well you could have initially before this lockdown finished and the anti-lockdown people needed to stay relevant.

It appears to me that the main ‘representative’ of this side of things in Victoria is Matt Lawson.

He has been described from various people around the movement as ‘off with the fairies a lot, a total wacko’ and ‘who they call for an event or Zoom when the speaker numbers look low. Small following and tries to look like he’s part of everything when he’s just a pest’.

I’ve been in his telegram group for a while and he really just sucks.

This is the type of content he pumps out.

He appears on these zoom streams alongside Pete Evans every now and then. This other guy in this shot I presume from looking at him is a sovereign citizen type but I don’t really care to find out. His name’s Zev.

I think they are Matt Lawsons interviews but his channel was pulled at some point so now copies are just scattered around the internet.

So speaking of Pete Evans, lets quickly have a little bit more of a look at that whole side of things.

There appears to be a bunch of narrative controllers coming out New South Wales since early on. Pete Evans, Riccardo Bosi, Joel Jammal, Jamie Mcintyre and Dave Oneegs. Im sure there are others but these are the main ones.

Jamie Mcintyre runs the Australian National Review and through that he hosts ‘The Mcintyre Report’. To save a long explanation it can best be summed up as a conservative fake news conspiracy type website. Think Britebart but more bullshit and crypto. I came across Mr Mcintyre at this time through an Instagram video that somehow appeared on my screen of him explaining how Melbourne is now run by Soros funded safe cites NWO communist police.

Dave Oneegs writes for the National Review. He got a following after having a rant in a video he put on Facebook about Covid being fake and 5g being deadly way back at the start, helped organise the initial protests and joined in on the first podcast with Raph Fernandez and Fanos Panayidis which went Viral.

Pete Evans. Well uh.. yeah. There’s something up with Pete Evans.

I’m not gonna get into it because I don’t know what it is exactly but let’s just say I know and love some pretty out there characters but yeah, Pete and his wife are next level. Earlier this year he announced he would be running for the senate in the next election with The Great Australian Party.

The Guardian wrote a piece about him in May 2020 that I think sums up how he went on to become such a key part of the anti-vax movement.

“While on the face of it Evans’ departure from his $800,000 a year MKR gig looks like a personal failure, Evans is on track to becoming far more famous and influential outside the mainstream media than within it.

While MKR and his restaurants made him well known in Australia, global recognition has come from leading a community that seeks to challenge orthodoxy.

This community has the potential to expand during the pandemic and economic downturn, according to Dr James Rose, a social anthropologist at the University of Melbourne.

“When you have a population-wide crisis such as a pandemic, people whose idea systems are fragile can be driven to act out of fear. The run on toilet paper and panic buying was an expression of that. Conspiracy thinking is a consequence of increased fear when people’s idea systems break down,”

“Excessive and unreasonable conspiracy thinking arises when some people attempt to fill gaps in idea systems that are breaking down. Their existing ideas no longer help them understand a changing world, so they look around for new ideas to fill the gaps.”

Years in the public eye have meant that Evans has already built a solid following. Now, as his message is increasingly unorthodox, followers aren’t necessarily being repelled by Evans but are supporting him, says Ferrier.

Ferrier, who has also worked as a cult buster, says: “Everyone who has a cookbook in his house is one step closer to believing his bullshit.

“There is a massive difference between having a cookbook and believing in the conspiracy theories — but there could be lots of stepping stones on the way. He’s a judge on MKR, you try his paleo, you start following his social media or his podcasts and the conspiracy theories get to you via these channels. It’s called the foot-in-the-door technique — as soon as you’ve listened to a few sentences then you’ll listen to a few more and then step by step you’ll start believing in something you once thought was absurd. He’s like a classic cult leader.”

Evans also “cleverly” selects big targets — the medical establishment, the media, “the government putting fluoride in the water” — and “taking on these big institutions gives him bigger standing”, says Ferrier.

“Conspiracy thinkers often seek out explicit group membership in order to build a stronger sense of their own identity. They are trying to make sense of their changed environment in an immediate way by imagining connections between themselves and others, in an effort to feel safer and more in control of a confusing situation. Sometimes, a sense of superiority can also pervade the identity of conspiracy-based communities. “For some people, positioning themselves above others is a source of reinforced identity — and Pete Evans and his community are very explicit about it — they believe they are better, more pure, that they are fitter and more active than other people. Pete Evans is a businessman — he promotes a brand which is based on creating imaginary hierarchies in society — so he sells the idea that you can be superior to other people if you follow his diet. For some people this is reassuring.”

The feeling of superiority can also mean that people who attack the ideals of the group are dismissed as unevolved, brainwashed or sleepwalking — thereby cutting off the circulation of any meaningful debate or dissent.

Ferrier believes Evans’ power is increasing. “It depends what’s driving him, but the more influential he becomes, the bigger the harm.”

In many ways, Evans is tapping into a prevailing mood — anxiety, confusion and distrust of authority.

“I think he’s always had the ability to have the taste of popular culture — ever since Hugos. He understands mass consumerism. Selling pizza for $35 and selling his theories is still part of the mass consumer mindset continuum,” says Ferrier.”

Riccardo Bosi has retreated from all major social media platform and moved to Rumble where he communicates directly with his followers on a regular basis. He deserves a lot more space here, out of all the people mentioned, all the stuff I've seen, much of it a huge concern, Riccardo Bosi is by far the biggest worry. Hell, I’ll just flat out say it — Riccardo Bosi is a traitor to this country and a terrorist. I suspect he’s still working in special ops, I really hope it’s privately and not still for the state.

Staring lovingly at Lt Col Bosi there is Joel ‘The Eyebrow’ Jammal (I'm allowed to call him that on account of my own eyebrow which I don’t manicure). As mentioned earlier, after parting ways with Riccardo Bosi and moving to working with Craig Kelly on his social media he has now joined on as part of Turning Point Australia.

Turning Point is another outlet, funded by the Koch Brothers, that is a part of this Cambridge Analytica web of deception and is used to bolster their campaigns and ideology in general. It was soft launched at the end of 2020 but really swung in to action earlier this year and is run by former head of the Gold Coast Young Liberals and staffer for Andrew Lamming, Barclay Mcgain.

Andrew Cooper, who has also helped launch Turning Point Australia, heads up Libertyworks.

Libertyworks the Australian version of Freedomworks, the conservative and libertarian American advocacy group, funded by the Koch family, that trains volunteers to assist with campaigns and encourages them to mobilize fellow citizens and their political representatives.

Guess what? Freedomworks ran the #reopenamerica rallies in 2020 along with CNP-action, the activism arm of the Council for National Policy and The Heritage Foundation.

Also, Only a few days before writing this the FBI arrested a Freedomworks staffer for storming the capitol on January 6.

Libertyworks describes itself as ‘investing in people, projects & causes that expand liberty.’

They are a legitimate, active and seemingly well funded organisation out of NSW who don’t appear to do anything outside of running the CPAC conference. They did put on a conference called ‘Libertyfest’ 3 years ago where they had Daisy Cousens as a speaker. Daisy Cousens is part of the Q Society, as well as a writer for The Spectator and Quadrant.

As mentioned earlier, Quadrant is a conservative magazine that was set up by the CIA to push propaganda as part of the Cold War.

Anyway, back to the protests.

In June there were further protests.

The woman speaking goes by the name Jaquie Dundee.

This time the protest was live streamed by the guy who runs a really heavily ‘everyone with authority is a pedo’ and anti-lockdown themed Instagram page that is an offshoot of Plus he hosts a podcast on Youtube.

He has a nice Aussie touch to the logo.

Below hosting one of his podcasts alongside a whole cast of questionable figures in the local conspiracy scene. Notable mentions to Matt Lawson, Eilish De Avalon and Karen Brewer.

The guy behind Wearechange Melbourne is Jeff O’Toole.

So we had our online protests in August then various chatter around the groups about organising a real one throughout the rest of the month and there was one organised for September 4, Australia wide. This was organised by Dave Oneegs, the Melbourne Organisers were Raph Fernandez and Fanos Panayidis. The description is just littered with Switch-throws.

It was looking to be a bit of a dud but a bit of outrage was stirred a few days prior due to the arrest of a bloke for being at a party at his neighbors house.

In the footage you can see they were clearly baiting the cops. It was just the two of them and a kid, in the front yard of the house with a sound system pumping out to the street and a smoke machine. Marty’s friends name is Steve Booth but we’ll call him the Flag Guy.

This protest was held at the Shine of Remembrance. You might have seen this image doing the rounds after the events that unfolded in September 2021, it was actually taken at this protest in September 2020.

This protest was covered by Mrs Adam and Weave, Jomana Najem, as well as Avi Yemeni.

The following weekend we had the first Melbourne Freedom Rally

Again, splitting in to local groups. This time from the get-go.

Now, you might have heard in the media over last few months about how these protests are world wide protests and come from a group out of Germany. It is used to dismiss them, as well as the label Nazi (which is actually a fair label but also just triggers the vast amount of people caught up in this that are not Nazis). It is only half true and if I'm honest it is lazy journalism on behalf of the media. That’s giving them the benefit of the doubt. We deserve better than them.

The world wide demonstrations out of Germany only started on the 28th of February 2021. The Melbourne Freedom Rally started on the 12 of September, 2020.

But the worldwide Freedom Rally came out of America, as we touched on earlier the open up America rallies became the worldwide freedom rallies, run as a collaboration between Freedomworks, CNP Action and the Heritage Foundation.

There is further detail on how much of the protests early on were funded by the same network of Right Wing mega donors that feature in the web of Cambridge Analytica.

There was a ‘Liberty Rally’ held in Auckland the same day. Unsure if it is related but the people behind it are pushing the same stuff and have started doing a similar thing with a Kiwi version of Monica Smit but seeing as there hasn’t been a prolonged lockdown in NZ they haven’t really kicked off and gone into full swing. Also they probably have much less funding. I’ve just gone to find them to get a screenshot and their website doesn’t seem active any more and the home page doesn’t load. There is also a new counter website that shows up as the first search result. They had videos on Rumble that I can’t find any more, also I had a friend who was pushing their stuff flat out and I went to see if I could find the clips on her page and her Facebook page has been removed. There was also a Freedom Rally in Montreal.

In the Melbourne Freedom Rally announcements page they claim to have organised the September 4th protest also, but the telegram group wasn’t created until the 11th of September.

Hmm.. Interesting date.

The messaging from the group is the same rhetoric as in the anti-Dan Andrews groups.

‘This is powerful, share this around’.

It’s a clip of a speech from Michael O’brien.

Nobody has ever said that about something Michael O’brien has said.

There’s your proof. This is astroturfed. (Joking.. kinda not though)

Above is a very common thread. Melbourne has been chosen as the testing ground of the New World Order. It is repeated again and again from these people and the suckers that follow them. I think it’s a switch-throw. A naïve one, but a Switch-throw never the less.

One has to ask the question though, why has Scott Morrison used that phrase ‘New World Order’ a whole lot over the last year. It serves no purpose other than to fuel conspiracy.

Basically, the things they write are the words you would want to hear if you had been sucked into a Dictator Dan group for the last month or so.

There was a protest organised for the 20th of September by another group called ‘Guardian Angels’. It was shared in the Melbourne Freedom Rally announcements page.

The smiley face on the flier tells me that it was a collaboration between the Freedom Rally and Guardian Angels. They continue to share their stuff to this day and Guardian Angels telegram page is still active and still appears to be involved.

This protest didn’t get the traction they desired, however.

The next day they are promoting Digital Warfare. Really warming up for that omnibus stunt.

Followed by the image on the right which is a fear-mongering, out of context and hyperbolic description, followed by a clip from the IPA. Specifically, from Gideon Rozner.

Following this and seeing as we were in lockdown and people were hesitant to travel to the city they decided to try and organise smaller localised protests all to be held at the same time. They had 2 weekends of this. I drove by my local one seeing as it was not even 1km from my house and there was no sign of it. Thinking back to the End The Lockdown Australia group, our mate Becky (and I suspect many others like her) was ramping up the fearposting around this time too.

The next sequence of events get really interesting. The second lot of local protests was on the 10th of October. The night before on the 9th Sky News ran their ‘expose’ on the hotel quarantine beat-up, by none other than the female Tony Abbot, Peta Credin. That morning was the morning that Credlin appeared at Dan Andrews press conference demanding to see phone records.

It was next-level shit.

As in, there’s shit journalism and then there is this, a whole new category.

That’s being nice. Talk about fake news, she’s conflating NSW security guards with Vic security guards because there was actually nothing there for her to cling on to and an ‘exclusive’ chat with the guy who owned the Security company at the center of the whole thing that revealed nothing but a guy sad his business name is out there. That’s just from memory from watching it a year ago, I'm not doing that again.

This right here I think is maybe the most important little detail of this entire thing. The day after this Credlin stunt in the morning leading up to the next round of local meet ups, which as you’ll see was the beginning of a very large 2 weeks of stunts and commotion all building up to the next major protest, The Herald Sun shared the locations of the meet ups on Twitter.

The next day, day of the local protests, we can see a video of the billboard plane taking off, shared directly to the Announcements group by the Melbourne Freedom Rally admin.

Digital Warfare, or what remains of it which is an Instagram account run by one of the girls, actually made this post 20 minutes ago as I am writing this.

If you know what? That you crowd funded an undisclosed amount of money for this and refused to reveal how much it ended up costing?

Massive props to Lucky Lance who was out there calling this out as it happened.

It was not a popular opinion from the looks of it

Now, I know what you’re thinking.. ‘What’s Becky doing though’.

She was running for major.

I don’t think the meet up’s were a massive hit, but it gave local groups of people a chance to meet other like minded people and network, empowering them to then go back and spread the good word.

Straight away another protest was announced, this time for 2 weeks time.

Then 3 days later we had the Omni-bus being paraded around the city and hyped up all week as well as documented / streamed by the entire group on their respective pages, aside from Avi but including Sky News.

Then a fancy package was put together by Real Rukshan for the Omnibus tour of Melbourne which was shared around widely through all the groups and pages.

Notice Rukshan when posting his video of the bus says ‘We have big plans for this bus’, on a Reignite Democracy video that he made. He wasn’t the only one making this post.

There was actually a Freedom Rally in the USA held that same weekend in California called…

RECLAIM California.

Then we had friend of Jason Wood MP, Harry in Berwick opening his store, reported on by Avi and Monica Smit, also hyped all around and reported on in the actual media.

They then visited another business that was opening up, a dance studio in Moorabbin. This was just a legitimate business duped into opening by their astroturfing. You can tell because it got no hype and nobody else was there. These guys were wearing the ‘Let Victoria Work’ T-Shirts which were being sold by Reignite Democracy and sponsored by Jim Penman.

Then on the Saturday Adam and Weave barber shop opened up claiming they can’t do lockdown any more. Which is no wonder, having only opened the salon in lockdown. Avi was first on the scene to get the opening shot, all the various random anti-vax and Covid denying crew were there. The Flag Guy, Peter Liddle the crazy anti-vax lawyer, streaming on their phones and the Omnibus paying a visit and Monica getting out to Interview the salon owner, who was the person who stood up to do Monica’s role initially and only 1 month earlier was covering the protests with a make shift news outlet to support it.

All this saturated social media throughout all the huge number of groups and community pages infiltrated by the Victoria Forward trolls and other people encouraged to share to these pages from the core groups plus mainstream media coverage.

The first person to get a haircut in Adam and Weave barber shop was Flag Guy.

So basically, to spell it out, the sheer saturation of social media and the muddying of what was already a fairly murky situation was leading people to these guys who would then all lead to each other, getting people into their closed groups and pages across multiple platforms and surrounding people in an echo chamber.

In the lead up to this week and throughout, Digital Warfare’s Instagram page looked like this.

Remember also that the whole premise of this ‘Digital Warfare’ page is for people to spread these memes everywhere they can. Also note sharing Gideon Rozner.

On Telegram Melbourne Freedom Rally is posting stuff like this

The following week this truck started appearing around town

As the girls have pointed out, this was put on by Marty Focker, Rukshan and the Freedom Rally Group. It was documented by Rukshan, promoting the Freedom Rally and organised by Marty Focker and Flag Guy.

I presume Marty Focker is friends with this guy

This is a shot of the bus from a video on Mr Focker’s Youtube page.

This bus, promoting the protest that weekend, spent the week flaunting itself around town and keeping up the anger.

Meanwhile the media is reporting on the other sporadic businesses that are deciding to follow their lead and open back. we are seeing video packages of the stunts shared around every day and of course throughout it all..

All this would have come across the screens of millions of people in Melbourne, all locked in their homes, watching the numbers grow every day unsure when it will end, confused and scared of an uncertain future.

Not from the actual situation, but from the constant fear-mongering coming out of these people and their related social media pages and groups.

Throughout all this we have Victoria forward pushing the most paid ads they have ever run.

So after a weekend off to pull their stunts people were sufficiently riled up for the next protest which was not a localised one like the ones before but ‘The Big One’ booked to be held at the Shrine.

And everything fell in to place perfectly.

My favourite shot of this protest is the one from Sky News that we covered earlier.

Circled in this video by Rukshan from the left is Media, Jaquie Dundee, Flag Guy, Harrison Mclean, Media, Topher Field and Monica Smit.

The first two photos from above were from Marty Focker.

So let’s just take a minute to dive a little into this Focker.

He stands out. From outside it seems like he could maybe be some random conspiracy guy who linked up with these guys or is trying to get in on the action like Matt Lawson, but his pages (that haven’t been taken down) became active on the 14th of August. There is also gaps. Most of his social media has been removed by the platforms. He has a Youtube page which is a restart. He is banned from Facebook. His Bitchute page still has many videos from the 14th of August 2020 onwards, even the September 4 protest, but is curiously missing the whole month of October. As is his Instagram page. He shares Reignite Democracy and Digital Warfare stuff, has had videos produced by Rukshan, documents every protest and has been featured in reports for Rebel News and was mentioned by Rowan Dean on Sky News in a rant about the Police after he used Monica Smits arrest as the prime example of what he was talking about. He was referred to as a Cameraman.

And he was the guy who got arrested after he pulled the party stunt in Flag Guy’s yard to bait the cops the day before the first rally.

He has a bunch of images floating around out to dinner with the whole crew, yet you rarely hear about him. On his social media channels he posts footage of him cruising around at the protests with all the guys.

The one social media platform he still appears to have all his videos still on is Odysee.

It goes back before Covid and it appears that he was travelling overseas for a while up until March 2020. He was in America in March and May 2019 and early 2020 he was in Russia then Italy on the 29th of February.

He’s been arrested many times

He just stands out, I don’t know why, he just does, he’s just always around.

Above is the girls from Digital Warfare along with Harrison Mclean who runs the Freedom Rally pages and Marty Focker circled all hanging out at Raph Fernandez’s launch of his ‘Beleachi’ range of fancy rocks. ‘Beleachi’ doesn’t mean Belly Ache in Spanish, it is a mixture of the words ‘Believe’ and ‘Achieve’. The T-Shirt the man next to him is showing off is sold by Fanos.

I just went back to grab the photos I came across only 2 days ago on Instagram and they are nowhere to be seen, completely wiped. Luckily, I did screenshot one. In it you can see Marty Focker, Mel Ann and Anthony Lev.

This one above has Mrs Adam and Weave on the left with Marty and Anthony Lev on the right, we’l get to Lev in a bit. I don’t know when it was taken as I found it in a Youtube clip.

Above is a shot of his with Flag Guy and Mel Ann. Comment from Anthony Lev before he had even appeared at the protests as any more than an ‘attendee’

Here he is alongside We Are Change Melbourne, outside court to support Peter Little

We are change Melbourne is a pretty interesting one, we touched on him earlier but a here’s a little more info. So as we saw he was documenting protests I didn’t even know happened in June 2020.

Like Marty, he appears in the background a bit. He was promoting and documenting the protests in June, then he went silent and wasn’t amongst the protests from mid September through to the start of 2021 when he started pushing them again.

He Interviewed another key member of this group, Nick Patterson, back in May 2020 on his podcast

He also does protests on his own or in small groups at vaccination hubs.

and uh.. Just really has a knack for being in the right place at the right time.

This guy is a key part of the deeper conspiratorial layer of all this and seems to be the link between these ‘Journalism’ types and the freemason pedo conspiracy types. His little clique appears to be Peter Little and also this woman named Jaqui Dundee who MCs all the rallies.

Next protest was November 3

Covered by Avi and Monica.

Plus Rukshan.

Appearing as an ‘innocent protester being arrested’ in many Facebook clips around the protests and other stunts done by these guys is Anthony Lev. Full name Anthony Levchenko.

He did a similar stunt at a protest out the front of Dan Andrews office but it seems all that footage has been erased.

Above he is being arrested at the November protest. After being marched through the crowd past all the cameras he stops for an interview with Monica Smit. The police happily stand there for the whole interview until he is done and then walk him off.

Yeah, I don’t know what’s going on there.

He’s been served with a letter from police multiple times in the lead up to a protest, warning not to attend. He just tells them the letter is trash and not to leave that trash at his house then bangs on about enforcing Tyranny. It’s basically the exact same thing that Marty Focker does.

You can recognise him in any protest videos from December 2020 onwards from his ‘Don’t tread on me’ flag.

Also his doormat says something about not coming in without a warrant.

He sounds badass on paper but it doesn’t really translate. He lacks conviction.

In more ways than one.

His instagram gives a different picture. In 2017 he was playing yazz at westfield Doncaster

I’ve got nothin’ against yazz tbh. In fact I'm listening to yazz as I write this. Sorta.

He seems to just like taking photos of food. He was in Tokyo until March 2020. Was in Melbourne in June 2019 but then he is in New Zealand, Korea, Hong Kong, Iceland and Scandinavia. I can’t be assed going though it too much though, there’s probably more.

No travelling lately though for obvious reasons. Just enjoying fine wine at home.

He put himself on IMDb after speaking to Alan Jones.

He has deleted his Linkedin page (as I have just found out) which is a shame as it showed that he runs an Events company. I can’t remember the name, blue something events maybe. Either way, I presume this is what he is doing. Every one of these protests has a stage where people speak. Even when he has received a letter from the police saying don’t attend the protest he is still there and there is always a stage waiting.

Looking to keep up the momentum, the next protest was at the start of November.

Let’s just look at how to got to this point through the lens of Zac Galloways Podcast.

Zac doesn’t appear to be a part of this core clique, he isn’t in any photos. He seems to be connected with Joel Jammal, Riccardo Bosi and Australia One. Although most of these guys appear to be heavily religious, according to their videos even Anthony Lev is a churchgoer. The church they filmed him arrested at is in his home town so he could be. Much like Monica and Morgans church, it is some Evangelical type, over the top weird church. It’s called Revival and if we’re just gonna be brutally honest the pastor, Pastor Paul, seems like a complete wackjob.

These guys have been using him to get the Christians on side.

But in his corner the most has been Mr “We are in the End Times’ Zac Galloway.

As well as holding live stream prayer sessions, praying for god to guide everyone through this spiritual war in to the end times, he promotes the rest of the crew, live streams the protests and speaks at the protest. If you glossed over that hyperlink, I suggest you click it and watch his speech from the rally in May. It is incredibly lame and also terrifying.

Oh yeah, he’s also a lawyer but keeps it separate to the movement.

As we touched on way back at the start, he switched in to freedom mode after having Joel Jammal on his podcast in August 2020.

Before then his podcast was kind of normal.

Then he had this one.

Followed by this on the 13th of August,

From then on he was all in.

Streaming from the protest, speaking at the protests, etc.

His rhetoric get’s stronger the closer we get to the present day

Here he is protesting with Mel Ann and Raph Fernandez over the RSLs decision to not hold a mass gathering on ANZAC day at the place they have been holding their mass gatherings throughout the pandemic.

Yes Raph and if any of them had made it to today they would be dying from yours.

So they had the protest in November.

Promoted online and off

Rukshan covered it and made a nice cinematic package about it to show the unprovoked, extreme force used by the cops.

But if you watch Marty Fockers unedited footage it shows plenty of taunting the police in the lead up to the force.

Worth mentioning Marty also uploaded some of Rukshans clips to his page early on in the piece.

Following this they announced the next ‘big one’ for December 5th. In between we had some local meet ups scheduled.

Shrinking as the weeks go on it seems.

They don’t share much outside of promoting the protest in the Freedom Rally announcements page, but what little they did share looked like this.

It’s a movement really starting to clutch at straws without lockdowns and with no vaccines, but still just promoting only others in the clique and repeating the rhetoric that is going on in the Facebook groups.

Meanwhile you had Pete Evans throwing out this

This time the next ‘big one’ was Australia wide. The flier on the left is the one that went around the groups.

They think they are responsible for the easing of restrictions.

They claim 500 people attended.

Speaking there was Jeff from Wearechange Melbourne.

Here is the cops moving them on. In the shot is Flag Guy and Mel Ann. Video by Marty Focker.

The rest of the gang weren’t there, they were setting up out front of the US consulate. which is where these guys marched to meet them for a Trump rally.

Anthony Lev on the left, Flag Guy speaking and Morgan Jonas holding his flags. Covered by Rukshan.

The turnout was poor no matter how much they spin it.

But they kept moving forward with a bunch of local meet ups.

Week off for Christmas, then.

Also, with the resurgence of some Covid cases in the community they got ready for anything.

But the sad truth was that their movement was dying. That didn’t phase them, they knew more lockdowns would come, plus they still had vaccines to protest.

And it didn’t matter if people didn’t show, because they already had thousands at home feeling like they were there because Rukshan live streamed ever single one.

We’re not even in 2021 yet but we’ll have to leave it here for now, she’s been a long one.

