Keeping Your Home Safe While Away

Peter Cavicchia
2 min readJul 20, 2020


We are now in the middle of summer and you might be packing your bags and leaving home for a week or two...or longer. You could be getting ready for that needed time by the beach. Or you might be seeking a safe socially distanced escape during our current health crisis. While you get ready to leave your home for an extended trip, one thing that should be at the front-and-center of your mind is security.

Nothing would erase all the relaxing psychological benefits of a trip away more than returning to a home that has been burglarized or damaged. The FBI reports that a burglary occurs every 25.7 seconds in the United States. A report from Jackson State University reveals that home burglaries are especially common during July and August, with these summer months typically seeing a 70 percent spike in these crimes.

What are ways to ensure your home and possessions remain safe while you’re traveling? Consumer Reports outlines some helpful steps for securing your home:

Get a lock. They suggest getting heavy-duty deadbolt door locks. No matter what type of lock you install, you want one that won’t be easily kicked in, knocked off, picked or drilled.

Keep windows secure. Make sure to lock your windows before leaving. This one is self-explanatory. An open window or one that isn’t locked and able to be easily pried open is a sure way your home will be invaded while you’re away.

Look occupied. Don’t make your home look deserted. Leave some tools out in your yard. Ask a neighbor to pick up packages or mail that might overflow in your mailbox. Do whatever you can to make it appear you are still at home.

Inspect your home. Before you leave, check that your cellar door is shut, that there is no entry point through a garage door that might be accessible and check those windows. You don’t want to go through the effort of buying a lock and staging your home as if it is occupied only to forget that you left the back door wide open.

Get a security system. Last but not least, you should consider investing in a security system for your home. A security system is a sure way you can know your home is protected. If this is a step too far, Consumer Reports suggests even putting out security signs that can give the impression you have a security system on the premises. Do whatever you can to deter potential burglars.



Peter Cavicchia

Peter Cavicchia is president of Strategic Services International. He blogs at Follow him on Twitter @peter_cavicchia.