Is the wrong office chair lowering your productivity?

Peter Rogers
3 min readApr 22, 2016


Too many of us spend the day sitting in an uncomfortable chair. The complaints we all have are similar; no position seems completely comfortable. You feel like you can’t really focus on the work because you are too distracted by your uncomfortable posture. Well, the wrong office chair can lower your productivity by a lot. When you are sitting in a chair that provides the proper support to your body you will feel more energized. You will be able to focus on your work because your basic need of a comfortable sitting position will be solved.

You Need Lumbar Support

There are many things a chair needs but proper lumbar support is the most necessary component. Old school office chairs did not provide lumbar support which lead to many people developing back problems. Nowadays pretty much any chair you buy from a proper office furniture company should have great lumbar support. It isn’t just a health benefit; proper lumbar support also helps you work more efficiently since your body is in a more comfortable and energetic posture.

It needs to be comfortable

There’s a lot when it comes to making the chair comfortable. Even after lumbar support more comfort is required. The first is the seat itself; it should have the right type of cushion for a relaxing experience. Aside from that you will also need a chair with proper arm rests. It is very easy to get your arms tired if there isn’t proper arm support in a chair.

Then you also have to see if you will need chairs with wheels. While people might enjoy such chairs they are always less stable when you compare them to chairs without wheels. If your office genuinely needs portable chairs then go for the ones with wheels otherwise you can go for the sedentary ones and have people sit more comfortably.

Office chairs for resting

No matter what type of a chair you get it will become a bit tiring to have to sit in the same posture for 9 hours a day. A great solution to this problem is to place resting chairs and sofas around the office. Any time anyone feels like they need a change of posture they can sit in those chairs or sofas for a while. Such chairs are also great for internal meetings where you need your employees to work together without any formalities.

Choose the right colors

Not every office chair needs to be black with a blue cushion — get some chairs which have colors that match the rest of your office’s color scheme. Better yet you can get some new color into the environment by getting chairs in a new color. There is no reason to make an office look drab. One great development in office design is that people have finally figured out that an all gray office is not a great environment to work in. The more color we introduce to the workspace the livelier it looks.



Peter Rogers

I’m a professional copywriter, able to produce stunning work in a variety of different fields.