The Director's Chair
2 min readSep 20, 2020


The first stage of indoctrination into any cult is to push its members to cut off their family.

Congratulations. You have passed the first stage. Now on to the second stage.

Just remember, most cults, including the political cults of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, AOC, ANTIFA and BLM are only 3 to 5 stages away from either mass murder, or mass suicide. A man who has been conditioned to be so angry at his own father over a difference of opinion that he can cut his grandchildren off in an act of political blackmail, is a man who can now be conditioned to commit the most heinous of acts through simple triggers. You are a living embodiment of the socialist/communist/nazi ideology that you are unwittingly being drawn in to by the Democrats.

There are two very simple states of being. Freedom and slavery. Part of freedom means respecting your political opponents, however much you disagree with them, because if you don't respect them, then they won't respect you and two steps later you have slavery or war. By the act of blackmail on your father you have disrespected your political opponent, as well as your family by attempting to enslave him to your views. You say it is to make him understand what is truly at stake. You have a pitiful understanding. What you have done is to declare war. You may think that being a democrat is about being nice to other people. Being nice to other people doesn't count when it is enforced at the end of the barrel of a gun. You don't get to claim that you are a good person when you enslave others. You may claim that Trump is a fascist, but you should look in the mirror. That is what you have become. You are the slaver. You are the Nazi. With this one act you have become evil and embody everything that should be fought against in this world. If you have any self respect at all, you should be down on your knees on your father's porch, begging him for forgiveness. Debate him, disagree with him, vote differently to him by all means, those are the actions of a sane man. Your actions are blackmail and enslavement to your opinion or war. Do those actions sound sane to you?

You say you love your dad. I simply don't believe you. You love yourself and your self righteousness. You love your politics and its self righteousness. But ask yourself, is your politics really right when it punishes both your father and your children simply for not doing exactly what you would enforce upon them?



The Director's Chair

I’m an artist with multiple mental and physical health difficulties, struggling along.