National Road Safety Week 2018 — Queensland Road Crash Statistics

Peter Stephan
2 min readAug 25, 2018


Tableau visualisation of Queensland Road Crash Locations

With the past week (30 April — 6 May 2018) being National Road Safety Week 2018, I have developed an interactive data visualisation of the Queensland open dataset ‘Road Crash Locations’. Link below.

At a Statewide level, the dataset from 2001 to 2017 shows some interesting (and alarming) insights — ones that everyone can keep in mind when they’re on the road (or choosing when to be). These include:

  • March is historically our worst month for casualties. This is often around our Easter school holidays.
  • Friday is historically the worst day of week for crashes, particularly in the afternoon around the 3–6pm period (probably people getting home or away for the weekend after a long week).
  • The most crashes have occurred on our major roads such as the Bruce Highway, Pacific Motorway, Gold Coast Highway, Warrego Highway, Gateway Motorway etc. These roads cover long distances and carry the greatest volumes of traffic, and are therefore likely to top the crash stats, however speed may also be a factor.

The interactive data viz can also be filtered down to further highlight localised insights by area (suburb, electorate area, Police region, ABS statistical area, remoteness classification, etc), time (year, month, day of week), road speed limit, crash severity, nature, and type.

Link to full interactive visualisation on Tableau Public:!/vizhome/NationalRoadSafetyWeek-QueenslandRoadCrashStatistics_0/Crash_Dashboard

Drive So Others Survive.



Peter Stephan

Transport Data Analyst & Urban Futurist. Keen on big data, GIS and the future of cities & transport. Web: