CS 373 Spring 2023: Dayou Ren

Dayou Ren
2 min readMar 6, 2023


This article serves as the eighth weekly blog post for CS 373: Software Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin.

I primarily worked on the IDB project and the homework assignment for my Neural Net class. Our group divided up work and is slowly but steadily making progress. I struggled a little more with my Neural Net project, but luckily, it is due next Thursday so I still have some time. I also worked on my Machine Learning 2 assignment. That class is very theory-based. My hand hurt a little after writing all those proofs.

For the next week, more famously known as the week before Spring Break, I have three deadlines coming up: IDB, my neural net project, and my Generalized Linear Models class assignment. The deadlines are a bit tense but I am confident that I can get all of them done in time.

I will mostly need to work on my assignments and meet the deadlines next week. I also need to figure out the travel details for my club at the beginning of April. We will be traveling to Fort Wayne, Indiana for the annual USA Collegiate Fencing Championship.

I think Paper #8 is a very natural follow-up to last week’s paper. These papers emphasize the importance of abstraction and encapsulation, as well as independence among different models. Once again, I think it is important for us to be prepared to write well-principled code when we enter the industry.

In general, I think the content recently has gotten more complicated than at the beginning of the semester. I have not worked with yield statements before, so it is good to learn something new. I felt good when I got the exercise on Friday on the first try. It is a new idea for me to implement a cache function or cache class like in the exercise.

What made me happy this week is that we are making progress on the IDB project. I am keeping up with all of my classes and life is good.

Tip of the week would be: https://undraw.co/illustrations

This is a website that has a collection of SVGs that can be useful in web development.

