Overriding RxJava Schedulers — getting it right with RxLintMy previous articles [1], [2] highlighted the importance of overriding the default Scheduler for certain RxJava operators to help ensure…Oct 14, 20172Oct 14, 20172
An alternative to RxAndroidPlugins and RxJavaPlugins: Scheduler InjectionIn my previous article, I described how the RxAndroidPlugins APIs for RxJava 2 can be used to override Schedulers to create a suitable…Dec 13, 20161Dec 13, 20161
Overriding RxAndroid Schedulers in RxJava 2RxAndroid now supports RxJava 2, and with it, a new set of APIs for overriding Schedulers. In this post, I’ll explain these APIs, their…Nov 20, 20164Nov 20, 20164