Peter Young
1 min readJun 27, 2017


Janna, thanks for this thoughtful exploration. There are many facets to the notion of ‘service’ and while you may resist definition, some delineation of your ‘field of play’ may assist.

Some things I’m interested in exploring include:

  • Service is inherently relational, usually with intent although sometimes by happenstance
  • Value in services is always co-created in use, although may be consumed disproportionally by the provider and consumer
  • Service providers are often consumers of their own service
  • Service outcomes delineate a focus or locus of activity
  • Services are inherently malleable, although may be constrained with a view to enhancing replication with quality. The more bespoke the service, the higher the delivered cost; systemisation lowers delivered cost
  • while ‘organisations’ may frame, offer and deliver services, consumers look to buy services from ‘people’ whom they know and trust. So how might ‘organisations’ personalise their service?

Please let me know if I can contribute to your research.

