Regretting Resolutions

Peter Gruner
2 min readJan 2, 2022


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I enjoy reading Dan Pink’s books. I’ve read all of them. The thing I like most about his books is that they often serve as a jumping off point for further reading.

He has a new book coming out next month called The Power of Regret. I can hardly wait.

In his newsletter, Pink gives his steps on choosing a New Year’s Resolution.

You use Regret as the tool of choice.

It’s easy. Look back at the last year and make a list of all the things you regret. Complete the sentence: If only I _______.

And come up with a few things. Don’t be shy.

When you finish the list, pick the ONE thing that bugs you the most. The thing you most regret.

Make that your New Year’s Resolution. Nothing else.

Then come up with an action plan to work on your resolution. Schedule activities or tasks. They don’t have to be big things. Little things work better. But make them consistent.

Pink recommends setting up tasks on the even days of the month.

Once the schedule is set up, let other people know what your resolution is.

Social accountability will provide some of the energy while you work your schedule.

Guess what I’m doing tomorrow? Making a list of my regrets from last year…

(Click here if you’d like to see Dan give you the instructions in his own words.)



Peter Gruner

Hmm. Bio under development. I love hanging out with family and friends, eating all kinds of food, watching TV, reading, and occasionally writing.