Synchronizing my creativity

Peter Gruner
2 min readNov 22, 2021


Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

I write most of these posts in the evening. But I’m more creative in the morning or early part of the day.

Before I go to work, I’ll have all kinds of ideas for posts. And I’ll have enthusiasm to write them, as well.

But when the evening comes and I sit down to write something happens. The ideas don’t seem so good any more.

Resistance gives me a double whammy. Making me second guess the topic I’m going to write about and sapping my enthusiasm to write.

Then, I’m stymied to come up with a different idea.

Why don’t you write in the morning, Peter?

Stop talking crazy talk! I’m too busy getting ready for work in the morning.

I could try getting up earlier… Ugh.

When I used to work in Toronto, I took the train into work every day. It was great. I had 45 minutes of uninterrupted time to write. And I usually took advantage of it.

Now, I drive to work. And it’s shorter commute.

It could also be that I feel more creative in the morning because I know that I’m NOT going to write at that time. There’s no pressure, so my mind can be creative. It can wander and come up with ideas.

So, am I creative because it’s the morning? Or am I creative because there’s no pressure to write in the morning?

Timing? Or focus?

I could test it to find out. If it is a matter of timing, I should be more creative if I get up earlier and have time to write before I get to work.

If it’s a matter of focus, getting up earlier won’t help. I’ll have to suck it up. Get used to it and accept that second guessing is part of the process.

I’ll try getting up earlier a couple of days this week and see how it goes.

I hope it’s a matter of getting my creative rhythms synchronized with the time I have available…



Peter Gruner

Hmm. Bio under development. I love hanging out with family and friends, eating all kinds of food, watching TV, reading, and occasionally writing.