Bitcoin Unlimited is hiring a web developer

Peter R. Rizun
2 min readJan 21, 2018


Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) is hiring a full-time web developer. His or her duties will include maintaining and adding new functionality to the Bitcoin Unlimited website. The developer’s immediate tasks will be to:

  • Add a “blog section” to the Bitcoin Unlimited website so that BU members can post updates and articles without going through the “GitHub pull-request” process. (As BU’s site uses nodeJS, candidates should have experience working with this platform.)
  • Build a site dedicated to the Gigablock Testnet Initiative. In addition to providing background information on the initiative, the site will host a “Gigablock Testnet” block explorer, and provide real-time data from the testnet such as the current transaction throughput rate (transactions per second) and statistics on block propagation across the global network of nodes.

This is a “telecommute position”; we accept applications from anywhere in the world. Salary is negotiable based on experience and will be competitive with industry norms in Vancouver, Canada. Salary will be paid in BCH or BTC.

How to apply

Apply by email before February 12 to Peter Rizun. The body of the email should be structured as a cover letter no longer than 250 words, and should provide evidence that you would be a good fit for the position. Also indicate your salary expectations. Be sure to include links to relevant projects as well as a current resume and/or portfolio.

About Bitcoin Unlimited

The Bitcoin Unlimited organization maintains the open-source Bitcoin client by the same name. The organization’s mandates are:

  • To foster competing implementations of the Bitcoin protocol in order to provide more choice to node operators and to add robustness to the network.
  • To support the continued growth and adoption of Bitcoin as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system as described in Satoshi Nakamoto’s white paper [PDF].

