External collaboration solution for startups and entrepreneurs — SYNAPS.NET

Peter Thomas
2 min readApr 16, 2018


Flexibility, scalability, speed and the ability to seamlessly work with anyone and anytime are prerequisites for any tool used by a startup or entrepreneur. SYNAPS enables a special kind of external collaboration based on the business reality that collaboration almost always involves more than two companies or organizations. SYNAPS.NET brings together several key functions to enable multi-team external collaboration.

First is that SYNAPS accounts are based on USER not team. On apps like SLACK, billing is based on users per team. So a paying user on team A, will get charged again for being a member of paying team B, its an all or nothing type of approach.

On SYNAPS, we know that true team-2-team collaboration requires flexibility. Users on SYNAPS can create and participate in unlimited number of team workspaces. This means that users are not disincentivized by double billing to keep their work in a single or smaller number of teams.

SYNAPS free and paid plans are linked only to search. Paid users can search ALL past content in all teams, where free users are limited to their most recent 20k messages, files and direct messages.

Any user you collaborate with in any team is part of your permanent SYNAPS network. Users in your network have single channel DM and can be easily invited into new team workspaces. You might collaborate with @j_smith in 10 teams, but your direct message channel with him is only one single pipe.

The bottom line is that on SYNAPS, external collaboration is limitless. Have a team with Chinese partners? Need to invite a Spanish speaking team in as well…no problem, your English, Mandarin and Spanish speaking team will be burning rubber in no time!

Try SYNAPS free plan today and transform the way you work with your external partners.

Team-2-team chats for external collaboration

100+ languages — unlimited teams — single user accounts — unlimited possibilities



Peter Thomas

Founder and CEO of SYNAPS.NET, an integrated global work ecosystem used by multi-billion dollar companies as well as medium sized corporations and freelancers.