From FORTRAN to Bubble: A Journey through Programming Language History

Peter Walker
5 min readApr 14, 2023


The concept of programming languages may seem synonymous with modern languages like C, C++, Java, SQL, and others known for their complex syntaxes and endless lines of code. However, the origin story of programming languages goes back much further, with significant breakthroughs and advancements that have shaped the computing world as we know it today.

In the 1940s, the first electronic computers came into existence, but early-level assembly languages were incredibly complicated, making programming akin to building a towering skyscraper with your bare hands.

However, IBM’s invention of FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation) brought a revolutionary change in the 1950s. FORTRAN was not just a test subject, but a functional programming language that gained widespread popularity. It was especially renowned for high-performance computing and is still used in many of the world’s modern supercomputers. FORTRAN also introduced benchmark programs that pushed the limits of these behemoths to achieve remarkable feats.

Despite its success, FORTRAN had limitations. It was primarily suitable for scientific and numeric computing and lacked the intuitive nature that users needed. It required expertise in mathematical formulae and scientific notations, which not everyone possessed.

This gap was filled by COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language), which emerged in 1959. Unlike FORTRAN, COBOL was designed for business tasks, making it easier for everyday users to find solutions to their needs. Moreover, COBOL introduced support for object-oriented programming, a concept that is now widely used in languages like C++ and Java.

Inspired by COBOL, other languages emerged in the subsequent years, offering incremental improvements and ease of use. However, it was not until the 1970s that a truly ground-breaking change occurred in the world of computing.

Enter C, a programming language that revolutionized the landscape of programming languages. Developed in 1972, C introduced a structured syntax that departed from the conventions of COBOL, FORTRAN, and other contemporary languages. It was also written with English-like syntax, making it more intuitive for programmers. The versatility of C made it suitable for a wide range of applications, and it quickly gained popularity. In fact, C is still widely used today and is often taught in many computer science curriculums.

Building upon the success of C, C++ emerged as an extension that added object-oriented programming concepts such as inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. This further expanded the capabilities of programming languages, allowing for more complex and sophisticated applications.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, with the explosive growth of the internet, the need for programming languages that were better equipped to create web applications became evident. This led to the development of C#, a language specifically designed for web development. With its advanced features and capabilities, C# became a popular choice for building web applications using Microsoft technologies.

The advancement of the internet also paved the way for the rise of other popular programming languages such as Java, Python, PHP, JavaScript, and many more. These languages have since become mainstream and widely used in various domains, including web development, data science, artificial intelligence, and more.

In recent years, another significant trend in the world of programming has been the emergence of no-code and low-code technologies.

No-code platforms allow users to build applications without writing any code, using visual interfaces and drag-and-drop components. Low-code platforms, on the other hand, provide a visual development environment with pre-built components and code snippets, making it easier and faster to create applications with minimal coding.

These technologies have gained traction due to their ability to democratize programming, making it accessible to a wider audience including business users, domain experts, and citizen developers. No-code and low-code platforms have accelerated the development of applications, particularly for web and mobile applications, by reducing the barriers to entry and allowing for rapid prototyping and iteration.

Organizations are leveraging no-code and low-code technologies to streamline their software development processes, reduce reliance on scarce technical talent, and accelerate time-to-market for their applications. These platforms enable users with little or no coding experience to create functional and customized applications for various use cases, such as workflow automation, data visualization, customer relationship management (CRM), human resources management, and more.

Furthermore, no-code and low-code technologies have enabled business users to take an active role in the development of applications, breaking down the traditional silos between business and IT departments. This democratization of programming has empowered business users to drive innovation, improve operational efficiency, and respond quickly to changing business needs, without having to rely solely on IT departments for software development.

The impact of programming languages extends beyond just the technical aspects of software development. Programming languages have also influenced the way we think, solve problems, and interact with technology. They have become a means of expressing creativity, implementing ideas, and driving innovation.

With the increasing importance of data in today’s world, programming languages have also played a significant role in the field of data science and artificial intelligence. Languages such as Python and R have become widely used in data analysis, machine learning, and deep learning applications, allowing data scientists to leverage the power of algorithms and statistical models to gain insights from large datasets.

The versatility of programming languages has enabled them to be applied in diverse domains such as scientific research, finance, healthcare, gaming, and more. From simulating complex physical phenomena to developing cutting-edge medical applications, programming languages have become indispensable tools in various industries, driving advancements and transforming industries.

The rapid evolution of technology has led to continuous updates and improvements in programming languages, with new languages and frameworks constantly emerging. This dynamic landscape challenges programmers to stay updated with the latest trends, learn new languages, and adapt to changing requirements, keeping the field of programming constantly evolving and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

The widespread adoption of open-source programming languages and libraries has fostered a collaborative and community-driven approach to software development. Developers from around the world contribute to open-source projects, creating a wealth of resources, knowledge, and tools that are freely available to the community. This collaborative nature of programming languages has fuelled innovation and accelerated the development of new applications and technologies.

Programming languages have come a long way from their early beginnings, shaping the world of computing as we know it today.

They have evolved from complex assembly languages to intuitive and versatile high-level languages, enabling a wide range of applications across various domains. The recent emergence of no-code and low-code technologies has further democratized programming, making it accessible to a wider audience and driving innovation in software development. As technology continues to advance, programming languages will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of computing and empowering individuals and organizations to create innovative solutions to complex problems.

