What is Qi Energy, What Affects It and How is It Balanced?

Peter Gian
4 min readApr 11, 2022
Photo by Kammeran Gonzalez-Keola from Pexels

Qi is energy in a fairly simple way. Qi refers to the vital energy that constantly circulates in his body.

The origin of the concept of Qi is China. The Chinese believe that everything has energy; Alive and inanimate things. The food you eat, the air you breathe, the water you drink and the land you walk on. They all have qi energy going through them. You could say life itself is a qi combination.

What is Qi Energy and Why Is It So Important?

Most people, even in the western world, have heard of China’s concept of yin and yang. In Chinese Philosophy, opposing forces complement and balance each other. This is the same as qi energy.

In fact, it works in collaboration with qi, yin and yang. But how exactly? If we use the body in very practical terms, it helps to understand this partnership between yin, yang and qi.

Yin, Yang ve Qi

Yin, yang and qi form the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine. All three elements work in harmony for the health of the body and mind.

So let’s assume that yin is the food that our body needs, yang is the way we metabolize food, and qi is the energy we get from these two. When our food is healthy and sufficient for our needs and…

