Who are rainbow children according to New Age spirituality?

Peter Gian
3 min readMar 25, 2022
Photo by Laysla Loyse from Pexels

Rainbow children are third generation special children, believed to be incarnated in this world to help humanity heal and thrive.

According to new-age beliefs, rainbow children began to become incarnated around 2000, but some were born earlier than that and came as scouts. This means that many of them are currently in adolescence and are beginning to have an even greater impact on the world.

What’s the difference between rainbows, crystals and indigo kids?

Essentially, indigo children were born in the 70s and early 80s, and New Age practitioners believe they came as follows:

Indigos are said to have a warrior spirit, because their collective purpose is to uproot old structures such as work, education and legal systems that lack integrity. One of the most important characteristics of indigo children is their integrity. They live with a strong value code and instinctively see lies and manipulations.

In contrast, Crystal Children are believed to be happy and even-tempered. There may be occasional tantrums, but they are largely peaceful and forgiving. They are also said to be loving, sensitive, empathetic and creative.

