Do you Want to Level-Up Your German with a Simple Shortcut?

Peter Kortvel
3 min readNov 7, 2022


I Created Micro Stories Packed with Useful Vocabulary

Hi Fellow German Learner!! 🤓

Do you struggle with learning German? Me too!

I believe laziness or procrastination are not the problem…

Sometimes harder you try, harder things are… the best way is not to try harder but to find the right shortcut.

I live in Switzerland and I have been learning German intensively for some time now… but after some time I lost motivation and now it’s hard to progress further. I really want to move up a level in German and I believe the most important thing is to learn the necessary vocabulary for the next level.

So I started looking for the most efficient way to learning—especially new vocabulary. And because I believe it’s all about doing little but often, I did simple math:

For A2 language level I only need to know around 1000 words, for B1 it’s 2000. So if I learn only 5 words per day, I can move my vocabulary level from A2 to B1 in 6 months — with relatively low effort.

So first, I looked up the German word lists…

There are lists of words for each level out there (for example A2 or B1 lists from the Goethe Institut). Originally, I thought, the fastest way for me would be to simply boost my vocabulary learning directly from such a list — or by using flashcards.

I found out early that memorising from a list is extremely boring, ineffective and hard — no matter how motivated you are…

But after some research on efficient learning I bumped upon this stat:

Facts are 22 times more likely to be remembered if they are part of a story.

Eureka! So instead of memorising standalone disconnected words…

Maybe I should learn vocabulary in context instead

The problem is that reading long articles and chapters of books and translating many words to grasp the idea of the story take time.

So I thought the stories should be extremely short so I could spend more time on less of content, while focusing instead on actually learning vocabulary, not “just reading” through it.

Then I came across the concept of Micro Stories

Micro Stories are extremely short stories (basically around 100 words).

And if they were focused on useful vocabulary they could be an extremely easy, effective and natural way to learn.

I believe it is so much more effective to learn from Micro Stories, because of these 3 reasons:

But such Micro Stories in German didn’t really exist!

So I decided to create them to share them with as many German learners as possible via a morning email!!!

Sign up to Learn German Vocabulary with Micro Stories

to receive a free access and you will start receiving German micro stories as a morning email completely for free!

Oh, and did I say, I will attach audio recordings with exercises for even more effective learning?

So you can simply listen to Micro Stories in German anytime, cleaning, doing dishes, commuting…

You can access audio exercises for free if you sign up right now.

And of course you can unsubscribe anytime.

When will you receive the first Micro Stories?

I have created the first set of 10 Micro Stories with audio recordings, and I want to share them with you as soon as possible. I will be then creating more, based on the feedback from you and other readers.

However, to make it worth my effort and to get feedback from readers, I will start sending the email when I have at least the first 150 subscribers.

I am planning to develop this even further to help German learners but that will come later :)

So please, please subscribe, and if you like this idea, help me out and share it with your friends who struggle with progressing in German as well! 🤗🤗🤗

Thank you so much!!! 🙏🙏🙏

Sign up now



Peter Kortvel

Product Marketer who loves cool products, tech, videos, cycling and any other interesting stuff.