Einstein fooled us all

Peter Raktoe
4 min readMay 24, 2024

The whole world is convinced that Einstein was a genius, and millions of physicists fool themselves that Einstein’s theories were correct. Einstein was able to be a genius because millions of physicists failed to see that he was a fool, no physicist noticed that his theory of gravity was incorrect in multiple ways.

Look at image, physicists purposefully don’t use it. That image is a realistic 3D model of the spherical Earth and its spherical gravitational field, but Einstein/physicists have flattened the outer sphere into a flat round plane and then they demonstrated how that round plane bends due to the mass of the Earth. That unrealistic 2D model of curved flat space is nonsense, they use it because they cannot fool the students/people/governments with that realistic 3D model, because it’s IMPOSSIBLE to bend the volume of a spherical gravitational field. So millions of physicists are lying, they lie because their physics teacher used that unrealistic 2D model of curved flat space, they were brainwashed with Einstein’s lies.

Even a professional organization like ESA (European Space Agency) uses that unrealistic/fraudulent 2D model of curved flat space (link below) while they know that it’s unrealistic/nonsense, that is deliberate deception (fraud). They are fooling the people/governments, and they continued to use it after I explained why it’s unrealistic/fraudulent. They continued to use it because there is no other option, they cannot visualize how space bends with a realistic 3D model. And if they admit that I’m right, then they will also have to admit that Einstein was wrong.


All physists learned to act as if that unrealistic 2D model of curved flat space is realistic when they were a student, they learned to lie and physicists have been lying for more than 100 years. But it’s strange that they are lying, because they all KNOW that it’s nonsense. And many universities continued to use that unrealistic/fraudulent 2D model of curved flat space as well after I warned them, so they KNOWINGLY continued to brainwash the physics students with lies (a crime, fraudulent education).

But that unrealistic/fraudulent 2D model of curved flat space is not the only problem, Einstein’s theory of gravity (curved space/spacetime) was incorrect/fraudulent in multiple ways;

1.) Space itself is a vacuum, a vacuum is NOTHING, so Einstein claimed that NOTHING can bend and he claimed that NOTHING and (non-existent) time were merged in spacetime.

2.) Einstein claimed that space can bend but he couldn't even visualize/prove that space can bend, you cannot bend the volume of a spherical gravitational field.

3.) Einstein used an unrealistic/fraudulent 2D model of curved flat space, and he acted as if it was realistic (deliberate deception, fraud).

4.) Einstein claimed that curved space affects time and spacetime is based on that claim, but he couldn't even prove that time exists, he was talking about non-real clocktime.

5.) Einstein claimed that a celestial object simultaneously bends and continuously twists space/NOTHING and that is called frame dragging. Bending/twisting is an impossible combination, "bending" requires connected particles (a fabric-like medium) and "continuously twisting" requires loose particles (a fluid-like medium).

6.) Einstein claimed that spacetime was 4-dimensional, that time was the 4th dimension. But the next dimension cannot exist in the previous dimension, so 4-dimensional spacetime cannot exist in a 3-dimensional universe and that was obvious because a natural form of time does not exist.

So Einstein’s theory of gravity was at least six times nonsense and millions of physicists failed to see it, they just fooled themselves/everyone that Einstein was a genius. And many physicists refused to admit that he was wrong, they KNOWINGLY continued to fool the students/people/governments, they are KNOWINGLY fooling humanity.

Einstein’s theory of gravity can be seen as the foundation of modern theoretical physics, it’s a non-existent foundation and millions of physicists built many theories on that non-existent foundation. So unrealistic/fraudulent theories like time dilation, spacetime, massive black holes, dark matter, Big Bang, string theory, etc describe non-existent things as well, they describe, science fiction. Many other theories and millions of papers describe non-existent things as well because they are intertwined with those unrealistic/fraudulent theories, and it’s FORBIDDEN to use a fraudulent theory for education/papers/grants/research/etc.

One lie/fraud revealing question will expose an enormous global disaster but the editors/media REFUSE to use it, "Can physicists prove that time and spacetime exist?" Many physicists/institutes remained silent because they know that the answer is NO, those who maintain that global disaster should be ashamed of themselves, they are undermining progress for physics and humanity and that can be seen as a crime against humanity.

If a few HONEST physicists would admit that physicists cannot visualize/prove that space can bend and that physicists cannot prove that time and spacetime exist IN THE MEDIA, then they will change the future of humanity with the truth.

