Perfect Email Subject Line Today? 4 Words

A recent study of 2 million emails shows that 4-word subject lines have the highest open rates

Paula Peters
3 min readFeb 5, 2020
Photo by unknown author, licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

According to a recent study by Marketo, the best length for an email subject line is 4 words.

Marketo reviewed open rates for over 2 million emails and found that subject lines with only 4 words total receive the highest open rate (at 18.26%).

This is much higher than emails with 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 words (or more…not including “RE:” or “FWD:”).

Why are email subject lines so short today?

Most likely, it’s because people today read emails on smaller devices.

In fact, 61.9% of all emails are now opened on a smartphone (and according to a separate study by Adobe, that number is as high as 88% for millennial readers.)

But the challenge is: iPhones only show about 41 characters in portrait mode. Newer Android phones show roughly 30 characters.

Since the average American officeworker now receives 200+ emails each day, part of the challenge is simply getting your email pulled out of the reader’s daily pile in Outlook.

To do that, you want to make sure that your readers can easily see the entire…



Paula Peters

Technical writer 💚 Author of 4 books, incl. “31 Email Hacks” 💚 Writing trainer - 20,000+ execs, officers, staff 💚 Owner, Peters Writing Services, Inc.